Презентация, доклад American schools(8 класс)

New wordsGround WideTo locate TheatreTo attend Projects Assignment FloorFamousPortraitGymnasiumDuringTopicComputer

Слайд 1American Schools.

American Schools.

Слайд 2New words
Ground Wide
To locate Theatre
To attend Projects
Assignment Floor

New wordsGround				WideTo locate				TheatreTo attend				Projects	Assignment				FloorFamousPortraitGymnasiumDuringTopicComputer

Слайд 3
I _________ the first school in Aidabul.
First school has a big

_________ for playing sports.
_______ summer I like to play football.
The English and Mathematics classrooms have ________.
Aidabul is _________ in Akmola oblast.
I _________ the first school in Aidabul.First school has a big _________ for playing sports._______ summer I

Слайд 4American Schools
Elementary School 14-18

Middle School 5-11

Secondary School 12-13

American SchoolsElementary School				14-18Middle School					5-11Secondary School				12-13

Слайд 5Grand Haven Secondary School
The secondary school in the city of Grand

Haven is very big. Two thousand students attend school there. Students in America attend secondary school for four years. We have any area with classrooms, an area for theatre, a library, an area for sports and a stadium outside.
The area for classrooms is very large. The school has over forty classrooms. The library is also located in this area. Students may go to the library to study or to meet for projects.

Grand Haven  Secondary School		The secondary school in the city of Grand Haven is very big. Two

Слайд 6
We learn many subjects in school. Students must learn English, mathematics

and history. They must learn a new language like Spanish, German or French. In Spanish class we watch movies, play games and do projects.
Grand Haven High School has great technology. We have computers and televisions in every room. The televisions gives us the important news for the day. The computer is for teacher to give us grades.

We learn many subjects in school. Students must learn English, mathematics and history. They must learn a

Слайд 7
The school has a nice new stadium, an expensive gymnasium and

a nice theatre. They play football and American football in the stadium, basketball in the gymnasium and every season they have play in the theatre.
The school has a nice new stadium, an expensive gymnasium and a nice theatre. They play football

Слайд 8
How many classrooms are in Grand Haven’s second school?
How many students

attend the school?
What subjects do students learn?
What different areas are in the school?
What happens in a theater?

The secondary school in the city of Grand Haven is very big. Two thousand students attend school there. Students in America attend secondary school for four years. We have any area with classrooms, an area for theatre, a library, an area for sports and a stadium outside.
The area for classrooms is very large. The school has over forty classrooms. The library is also located in this area. Students may go to the library to study or to meet for projects.
We learn many subjects in school. Students must learn English, mathematics and history. They must learn a new language like Spanish, German or French. In Spanish class we watch movies, play games and do projects.
Grand Haven High School has great technology. We have computers and televisions in every room. The televisions gives us the important news for the day. The computer is for teacher to give us grades. The school has a nice new stadium, an expensive gymnasium and a nice theatre. They play football and American football in the stadium, basketball in the gymnasium and every season they have play in the theatre.

How many classrooms are in Grand Haven’s second school?How many students attend the school?What subjects do students

Слайд 9
How many classrooms are in Zerenda’s first school?
How many students attend

the school?
What subjects do students learn?
What different areas are in the school?
The chemistry room is located on what floor?
How many classrooms are in Zerenda’s first school?How many students attend the school?What subjects do students learn?What

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