Презентация, доклад на тему Открытый урок английского языка в 8 классе Books

I am thankful for a thousand things … For faithful earth, for birth and breath, for thought and health and strength and mirth, and, may be, when it comes, for death.

Слайд 1Speak, our, we, today, in, books, about, life

Speak, our, we, today, in, books, about, life

Слайд 2
I am thankful for a thousand things … For faithful earth, for birth and breath,

for thought and health and strength and mirth, and, may be, when it comes, for death.

I am thankful for a thousand things … For faithful earth, for birth and breath, for thought and health and strength and mirth, and,

Слайд 3

A book giving information about everything A book that

gives the words of a language in alphabetical order The holy book of Christians A small book giving useful facts encyclopedia the Bible dictionary handbook
A book giving information about everything A book that gives the words of a language

Слайд 4Let’s check up your HT
Find in the texts answers:
Who thinks that

reading books makes people smarter?
Who thinks that schoolchildren are given too much reading?
Who believes that books are the most ancient mass media?
Express your own mind: are books mass media too?
Let’s check up your HTFind in the texts answers:Who thinks that reading books makes people smarter?Who thinks

Слайд 5Listen to the episodes from different types of books. What type

of book is it?
Listen to the episodes from different types of books. What type of book is it?

Слайд 7Grammar focus: verbs with –ing make up sentences



Grammar focus: verbs with –ing make up sentences  HeWeIYouEnjoy(s)Like(s)Love(s)Prefer(s)Watching…Playing…Reading…Using…

Слайд 8Your HT
Ex. 69-70 p. 76

Your HTEx. 69-70 p. 76

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