Презентация, доклад на тему :Образование в Британии


Feature [ˈfiːtʃə] особенность, черта.

Слайд 1British Education System

British Education System

Слайд 2Feature [ˈfiːtʃə] особенность, черта.

Feature [ˈfiːtʃə] особенность, черта.

Слайд 3 In addition [in əˈdɪʃn] кроме того

In addition [in əˈdɪʃn] кроме того

Слайд 4Lasting a few [ˈlɑːstɪŋ eɪ fjuː ] длятся несколько

Lasting a few [ˈlɑːstɪŋ eɪ fjuː ] длятся несколько

Слайд 5Compulsory
[ kəmˈpʌlsəri ] обязательный

Compulsory [ kəmˈpʌlsəri ] обязательный

Слайд 6Attend junior school [əˈtend ˈdʒuːniə(r) skuːl ] посещать неполную школу

Attend junior school [əˈtend ˈdʒuːniə(r) skuːl ] посещать неполную школу

Слайд 7Comprehensive school
[ ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv skuːl ] общеобразовательная школа

Comprehensive school [ ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv skuːl ] общеобразовательная школа

Слайд 8Abilitу
[ əˈbɪlɪti ] способность

Abilitу [ əˈbɪlɪti ] способность

Слайд 9Employment
[ ɪmˈplɔɪmənt ] занятие, использование

Employment [ ɪmˈplɔɪmənt ] занятие, использование

Слайд 10Separate [ ˈseprət ] отдельный, самостоятельный

Separate [ ˈseprət ] отдельный, самостоятельный

Слайд 11Otherwise
[ ˈʌðəwaɪz ] иначе, в противном случае

Otherwise [ ˈʌðəwaɪz ] иначе, в противном случае

Слайд 12Leave [ liːv ] оставить, оставаться

Leave [ liːv ] оставить, оставаться

Слайд 13At least [ ət liːst ] как минимум

At least [ ət liːst ] как минимум

Слайд 14Differ [ ˈdɪfər ]

Differ [ ˈdɪfər ] отличается

Слайд 15British Educational System (Британская Система Образования)

British Educational System  (Британская Система Образования)

Слайд 16British Educational System
The basic features of the British educational system are

the following: 1) education is compulsory from 5 to 16; 2) the academic year usually begins in September and runs to early July; it has 3 terms, divided by the Christmas and Easter holidays. In addition, all schools have a ’half-term holiday’, lasting a few days or a week, in the middle of each term; 3) compulsory education is free of charge.
At the age of 5 children go to infant school which is the first stage of primary education. From 7 to 11 they attend junior schools, the second stage of primary education. In primary school children are taught the so-called 3R’s: reading, writing and arithmetic.
British Educational SystemThe basic features of the British educational system are the following: 1) education is compulsory

Слайд 17At the age of 11 children enter the secondary school. There

are three types of state secondary schools in Britain. They are: grammar schools (for the most intelligent children), modern schools (for the less intelligent children) and comprehensive schools (for children of all abilities). Grammar schools lead towards higher education, and the others give general or vocational education to prepare students for employment or for further technical education. The regular secondary schools offer 7 years of schooling, with students from 11 to 18 years of age. The last two years (16–18) maybe spent in a separate sixth form college, which concentrates on career training.
At the age of 11 children enter the secondary school. There are three types of state secondary

Слайд 18Between the ages of 14 and 16, pupils study for their

GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) exams. Pupils must take English Language, Maths, and Science for GCSE, as well as half GCSE in a foreign language and Technology. In addition, they must also be taught Physical Education, Religious Education and Sex Education, although they do not take exams in these subjects.
Between the ages of 14 and 16, pupils study for their GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education)

Слайд 19Those who get good GCSE grades can stay at their school

for another two years, if it has a sixth form and teaches the desired subjects, and then take ’A’ level (Advanced Level) exams. Otherwise they have to leave their school and go to a sixth-form college or college of further education. Further education colleges have strong ties with commerce and industry and offer courses in engineering, cooking or hairdressing.
Those who get good GCSE grades can stay at their school for another two years, if it

Слайд 20The GCE Advanced (A) level is normally taken after a further

two years of study. Good A’ level results in at least 2 subjects are necessary to get a place at a university. Universities choose their students after interviews. There are about 100 universities in Britain. The most famous of them are Oxford and Cambridge Universities.
The GCE Advanced (A) level is normally taken after a further two years of study. Good A’

Слайд 21Education in the USA.

Education in the USA.

Слайд 22The American system of education differs from the systems of other

countries. There are state secondary schools, private primary and private secondary schools. Public schools are free and private schools are free-paying. Primary education starts at age 6 or 7 years, when the child goes to first grade. At the age of 16 pupils finish elementary school and can continue their education at a higher education institution.
The American system of education differs from the systems of other countries. There are state secondary schools,

Слайд 23Контроль знаний.
Особенность, черта
Кроме того
Полусрочный отпуск
Длятся несколько
Поступать входить

In addition

Lasting a few
Free of charge
Контроль знаний.Особенность, чертаСиместрДелитьКроме тогоПолусрочный отпускДлятся несколькоБесплатноОбязательноПоступать входитьПродолжать Feature TermDivideIn additionHalf-term holidayLasting a fewFree of chargeCompulsoryEnterContinue

Слайд 24Посещать неполную школу
Общеобразовательная школа
Приводить к

Attend junior

Comprehensive school
Lead towards

Посещать неполную школуГосударствоОбщеобразовательная школаСпособность Приводить кЗанятиеПредлагать Самостоятельный Хотя Класс Attend junior schoolStateComprehensive school AbilitiLead towardsEmploymentOfferSeparateAlthoughGrade

Слайд 25В противном случае
Связь, узы
Парикмахерское искусство
Как минимум


At least

В противном случае Мечта Оставаться Связь, узыПарикмахерское искусствоКак минимумНеобходимоИзвестный Отличается Бесплатно OtherwiseDesireLeaveTiesHairdressingAt leastNecessaryFamousDifferFree-paying

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