Презентация, доклад на тему Обобщающая викторина по английскому языку (6 класс)

1. Monday, 2. Literature, 3. March, 4. Green, 5. A dog, 6. A Table, 7. mum, 8. Tennis, 9. A dress, 10. Play,Continue the lines

Слайд 1Oscar

William James
Walter Frank
Victoria Boris
John Kevin

Henry Benjamin
Lewis Den
Charles Caroline
Phil Kate
Robert Kathy

Quiz Class 6

Write the names in the alphabetical order


Слайд 21. Monday, 2. Literature, 3. March, 4. Green, 5. A dog, 6. A Table, 7. mum, 8.

Tennis, 9. A dress, 10. Play,

Continue the lines

1. Monday, 2. Literature, 3. March,  4. Green, 5. A dog, 6. A Table, 7. mum,

Слайд 3
Dog crocodile hamster cat
Table chair pupil sofa
Dress trousers book blouse

pencil ruler parrot
Cool white red blue

Find the odd one out

Dog crocodile hamster catTable chair pupil sofa Dress trousers book blousePen pencil ruler parrotCool white red blue

Слайд 41. Museum a) is

a place where people watch.
2. Art gallery b) is a place where people watch sporting events.
3. Theatre c) is a place where people watch films.
4. Stadium d) is a place where people can see collection of
5. Cinema e) is a place where people can see pictures and


1. Museum        a) is a place where people watch.2. Art

Слайд 5Boy thick

Good black
New small
White no
Big ugly
Open bad
Thin girl
Beautiful shut

Find the opposites

Boy      thickYes       oldGood

Слайд 6Trousers

Shorts Scarf
Buttons Pockets
Jacket Coat
Dress Skirt

Spell the words

Trousers           BlouseShorts

Слайд 7Do the crossword

Do the crossword

Слайд 8 Numbers


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