Презентация, доклад на тему Конспект урока Questions in Past

be have eat drink run take draw make do go writewas/were had ate drank ran took drew made did went wrotebananas a snowman exercises a picture a test money to the shop juice in the park

Слайд 1Questions in past

Questions in past

Слайд 3be have eat drink run take draw make do go write
was/were had ate drank ran took drew made did went wrote
bananas a snowman exercises a picture a test money to the shop juice in the park a party to work

be have eat drink run take draw make do go writewas/were had ate drank ran took drew

Слайд 4put fall break see think enjoy
fell broke saw thought enjoyed

put fall break see think enjoyputfell broke saw thought enjoyed

Слайд 9?
Wh… did you

?Wh… did you

Слайд 10I saw his uncle yesterday. (When ..) Children broke a chair. (What..) The

curtain fell down on the floor. (Where..) She put the bag on the table. (What..) The workers thought about the rest. (What..) We enjoyed the party. (What..)

When did you see his uncle?

What did children break?

Where did the curtain fall down?

What did she put on the table?

What did the workers think about?

What did we enjoy?

I saw his uncle yesterday. (When ..) Children broke a chair. (What..) The curtain fell down on

Слайд 11sang swam slept bought sold drove said held wore
sing swim sleep buy sell drive say hold

sang swam slept bought sold drove said held woresing swim sleep buy sell drive say holdwear

Слайд 12- Hello! - Hello! - What did you do yesterday? - I worked

in the office. - How did you get there? - I got there by bus. - When did you come? - I came at 6 o’clock. - How did you spend evening? - I cooked dinner and watched TV. - When did you go to bed? - I went to bed at 11 o’clock.

- Hello! - Hello! - What did you do yesterday? - I was in the shop. - What did you buy there? - I bought a new coat. - Why did you buy it? - I liked it.

- Hello! - Hello!  - What did you do yesterday? - I worked in the office.

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