Презентация, доклад на тему Judaism and Buddhism к уроку в 10 классе на тему The Main Religions of the World раздела Man the Believer


Слайд 1Judaism, which has only 12 million followers, is around 3500 years

old and the oldest of the world’s four great religions
Judaism,  which has only 12 million followers,  is around 3500 years old  and the

Слайд 2Israel


Слайд 4Moses on Mount Horeb

Moses on Mount Horeb

Слайд 5Moses freed the Jews from slavery in Egypt

Moses freed the Jews from slavery in Egypt

Слайд 6Sabbath


Слайд 7Passover


Слайд 8Buddhism is 2,500 years old and is followed by 350 million

Buddhists worldwide
Buddhism is 2,500 years old and is followed by 350 million Buddhists worldwide

Слайд 9Siddhartha Gautama

Siddhartha Gautama

Слайд 11A round mark on the forehead is his third eye

A round mark on the forehead  is his third eye

Слайд 12Buddhists temples are various

Buddhists temples are various

Слайд 13Buddhists temples are various

Buddhists temples are various

Слайд 14Buddhists temples are various

Buddhists temples are various

Слайд 15Buddhists temples are various

Buddhists temples are various

Слайд 16Buddhists temples are various

Buddhists temples are various

Слайд 17Statues of Buddha

Statues of Buddha

Слайд 18Statues of Buddha

Statues of Buddha

Слайд 19Statues of Buddha

Statues of Buddha

Слайд 20Statues of Buddha

Statues of Buddha

Слайд 21Meditating


Слайд 22Meditating


Слайд 23Meditating


Слайд 24Buddhist Conception of Nirvana

Buddhist Conception of Nirvana

Слайд 25The Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and entry into Nirvana

The Buddha’s birth, enlightenment  and entry into Nirvana

Слайд 26The representatives of the main confessions together

The representatives of the main confessions together

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