Презентация, доклад на тему История создания воздушного шара и полет на нем

Montgolfier brothers

Слайд 1presentation on the topic: balloon . Brothers Montgolfier
Performed : Adile Miydatova

presentation on the topic: balloon . Brothers MontgolfierPerformed : Adile Miydatova

Слайд 2Montgolfier brothers

Montgolfier brothers

Слайд 3In France, in 1783 brothers Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier launched the

first hot-smoke filled balloon . The passengers were a sheep a rooster and a duck . The flight lasted 8 minutes.
In France, in 1783 brothers Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier launched the first hot-smoke filled balloon . The

Слайд 4And the first people to carry out the flight were two

Frenchmen: Frenchman Pilatre de rosier and Marquis de Arlen .November 21, 1783, they flew for 25 minutes over Paris in a balloon .
And the first people to carry out the flight were two Frenchmen: Frenchman Pilatre de rosier and

Слайд 5I'm flying a balloon.

In the basket stood willow . Go ahead with the heavens, Leaving sadness and vanity Spruce forest stands on the snow, Cottages, people, domes , And the air is clean and ringing , Hail soul, fly fly soul...
I'm flying a balloon.

Слайд 6Thank you for listening

Thank you for listening

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