Презентация, доклад на тему Intellectual Traits

Critical Thinking FrameworkIntellectual Standards must be applied to Elements of Thoughtin order to developIntellectual Traitswhich will produce a well-cultivatedCritical Thinker

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Critical Thinking Framework
Intellectual Standards
must be applied to

Elements of Thought

order to develop

Intellectual Traits
which will produce a well-cultivated

Critical Thinker

Critical Thinking FrameworkIntellectual Standards must be applied to Elements of Thoughtin order to developIntellectual Traitswhich will produce

Слайд 3Intellectual Traits - …
Traits of mind or cognitive habits

thinking that does not manipulate others or distort reality
“Checks and balances” for our own thinking and the thinking of others
Intellectual traits guide us to be fair-minded

Intellectual Traits - … Traits of mind or cognitive habits Skilled thinking that does not manipulate others

Слайд 4Traits of
Undisciplined Mind

Traits of the Undisciplined Mind

Слайд 6Intellectual Humility vs Intellectual Arrogance
To recognize that you should not

claim more than one actually knows

To think you are smarter than someone else to refuse another viewpoint.

Intellectual Humility vs  Intellectual Arrogance To recognize that you should not claim more than one actually

Слайд 7Intellectual Courage vs. Intellectual Cowardice
To have a consciousness of the need

to face ideas, toward which we have negative emotions
To be true to your own thinking

To bully others with superficial arguments based on double standards

Intellectual Courage vs. Intellectual CowardiceTo have a consciousness of the need to face ideas, toward which we

Слайд 8Intellectual Empathy vs. Intellectual Closemindedness
To put oneself in the place of others

in order to genuinely understand them

To be intolerant of the beliefs or opinions of others

Intellectual Empathy vs. Intellectual ClosemindednessTo put oneself in the place of others in order to genuinely understand

Слайд 9Intellectual Autonomy vs. Intellectual Conformity
To think independently through questions and

To analyze and evaluate beliefs on the basis of reason
and evidence

To be influenced by someone
To depend on someone’s opinion

Intellectual Autonomy vs. Intellectual Conformity To think independently through questions and problemsTo analyze and evaluate beliefs on

Слайд 10Intellectual Integrity vs. Intellectual Hypocrisy
To hold yourself to the same rigorous

standards of thinking and behavior to which you hold others
To admit honestly discrepancies and inconsistencies in one’s own thought

To be dishonest with others
To behave in a contradictory to the words way

Intellectual Integrity vs.  Intellectual HypocrisyTo hold yourself to the same rigorous standards of thinking and behavior

Слайд 11Intellectual Perseverance vs. Intellectual Laziness
To use intellectual insight and truth in

spite of difficulties, obstacles, and frustrations

To believe in any idea
To justify any action without proof

Intellectual Perseverance vs. Intellectual LazinessTo use intellectual insight and truth in spite of difficulties, obstacles, and frustrationsTo

Слайд 12Confidence in Reason vs. Distrust of Reason and Evidence
To rely on

the critical thinking process and trust its results
To draw reasonable conclusions and think coherently and logically

To be prone toward emotional reactions
To live in a irrational world surrounded by many forms of irrational beliefs and behaviors

Confidence in Reason vs.  Distrust of Reason and EvidenceTo rely on the critical thinking process and

Слайд 13Fairmindedness vs. Intellectual Unfairness
To treat all viewpoints alike, without reference

to one’s own feelings or vested interests

To treat every viewpoint in a biased way with reference to your own interests

Fairmindedness  vs.  Intellectual UnfairnessTo treat all viewpoints alike, without reference to one’s own feelings or

Слайд 14What will you choose?

What will you choose?

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