Презентация, доклад на тему Индивидуальное проектирование учащихся на тему Дикие животные и способы их приручения

Wild beasts

Слайд 1 Wild beasts
Раменская Анастасия
МБОУ СОШ № 95 Воронеж

Wild beastsРаменская АнастасияМБОУ СОШ № 95 Воронеж2016

Слайд 2 Wild beasts

Wild beasts

Слайд 3Harmful to our brothers
People got used to the fact that

the dog must be trained, even the most simple and know at least commands such as: "Lie!", "Sit!", "Gimme a paw" and others. And in cases where it does not perform these commands, the dog usually immediately ascribed to lazy or stupid animal. But there are breeds that are not stupid, they simply by virtue of its natural features are just not able to resist the train.

Harmful to our brothers People got used to the fact that the dog must be trained, even

Слайд 4 Basenji. A unique feature of the dog is their incapacity

to bark, as well as an unusual attachment to people. Basenji just is considered one of the most hard to train species.

Basenji. A unique feature of the dog is their incapacity to bark, as well as an

Слайд 5 Afghan hound. This breed is listed as one of the

most stubborn dogs. Despite the fact that the Afghan Hound is an ancient breed and favorite of aristocrats and Kings to train she's not inclined to. And once tried to find common ground, success on the horizon is not visible.

Afghan hound. This breed is listed as one of the most stubborn dogs. Despite the fact

Слайд 6 Elite are Royal breed, and therefore behave with people appropriately-nravoučitel′no,

condescendingly, and even places of arrogant. Dogs of this breed posed no threat and very loyal owners, but make them extremely difficult to execute commands      
Elite are Royal breed, and therefore behave with people appropriately-nravoučitel′no, condescendingly, and even places of arrogant.

Слайд 7 The cat who walks by himself
Cat-ancient animal possessing intelligence and

savvy. It can be domesticated, but cannot be tamed. Having a freedom-loving temper it may be noble, heroic. There are many cases where cats rescued people warning them about the dangers

The cat does not tolerate disrespectful treatment toward yourself and maybe even revenge, grudge. Respect is a wise animal.

The cat who walks by himself Cat-ancient animal possessing intelligence and savvy. It can be domesticated,

Слайд 8 Pallas cats. Not only are they not amenable to training,

but even rarely survive in captivity. Just such a loving pet. Moreover, even if in captivity and survived, it is not over and not tame. These free animals.

Pallas cats. Not only are they not amenable to training, but even rarely survive in captivity.

Слайд 9 Snakes in captivity gradually enter into friendly relations with carers

man take his proposed food from him from the hand or from a curling iron, allow you to touch yourself, borrow, wear and may even be dressirovany to some extent; but the true attachment to the host completely unnoticeable, but rather the opposite can be observed even at strong or able to defense due to their poisonous teeth. About tame in the proper sense of the word here.

Snakes in captivity gradually enter into friendly relations with carers man take his proposed food from

Слайд 10 Dinosaurs were very big beasts. Their descendants

— snakes, turtles and lizards, live in the same way as the dinosaurs. They cannot be tamed, because reptiles and fish care only one feed. Crocodiles or Pythons may not remember the person who brings them food. In the case of descendants of the dinosaurs eat any living creature. From reptiles and do not receive the affection and attachment of the animal to the owner or to imagine such — it's still a little love.

Dinosaurs were very big beasts. Their descendants — snakes, turtles and lizards, live

Слайд 11 Wolves almost not amenable to training.

They fear the

humiliation more than pain!

And they die in silence.

Wolf always personality!

Always a rebel!
Wolves almost not amenable to training.They fear the humiliation more than pain!And they die

Слайд 12   Comparing the behavior of Wolf and pups, the researchers

found that they react differently to the surrounding world. This allows you to understand why dogs succumb to tough to tame, and wolves are not.

  They turned out differently perceive the new information. "When the Cubs Volkoff begins to see and hear, they are afraid of all the new sounds. Therefore, the inclusion of every new sense organ is a shock that not typical for the Cubs, dogs

The beginning of activity is at the beginning of the period of socialization when young learn whom they should fear, and who is not. In this period, puppies need only 90-minute human contact, to get used to them, while the Wolf requires 24-hour contact, though even after the fear persists.

  Comparing the behavior of Wolf and pups, the researchers found that they react differently to

Слайд 13 Bees cannot be tamed, and here you can adjust.

Bees cannot be tamed, and here you can adjust.

Слайд 14 Initially, people just collecting honey in the forest-was botanical. Then happened

the domestication of bees by placing of the hives-decks. During the wars of the bee, served the man a huge explosive bullets often paying, foe. Now animals domesticated in late Neolithic supply us wax and honey.

 Initially, people just collecting honey in the forest-was botanical. Then happened the domestication of bees by placing

Слайд 15  Why man strives to domesticate animals. The answer is simple:

the desire to feel that someone who depends on you, love. But sometimes a person after a while stops to feel this feeling and the animal is on the street. But that's not all. People displays the new breeds of animals. Often the new breed has a genome than its wild relative. The animal becomes completely dependent on the host and, having sex, dies.

  Why man strives to domesticate animals. The answer is simple: the desire to feel that someone

Слайд 16So whether it's us?

So whether it's us?

Слайд 17Thanks for watching

Thanks for watching

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