Презентация, доклад на тему Грамматические упражнения по английскому к 7 классу

Составьте предложенияWrite questions using Have you ever ..?. .1. eat/ Indian food ?2. read / any/ Shakespear ?3. meet/ a famous person ?4. live/ in a foreign country?

Слайд 1 Choose the correct option.

He was offered the job because he

was (good, better, the best)
My doctor (recommended / had recommended) me yesterday to take a week off work.
Next week I’m going (on, at, of, in) a. school trip to a museum.
He has a party every day, (doesn’t he, hasn’t he)?
She is (clever, cleverer, the cleverest) than her brother.

He is (good, better, the best) at football than his brother.
We go to the cinema (another, every, other) day.
He knows about the news, (doesn’t he, does he)?
I don’t need (any, some) information.
I rarely go out (by, at, of, in) the evening.

Choose the correct option.  He was offered the job because he was

Слайд 2Составьте предложения
Write questions using Have you ever ..?. .

1. eat/ Indian

food ?
2. read / any/ Shakespear ?
3. meet/ a famous person ?
4. live/ in a foreign country?
Составьте предложенияWrite questions using Have you ever ..?. .1. eat/ Indian food ?2. read / any/ Shakespear

Слайд 3Выберите нужный вариант
has or have.

1. He ... given me the towel.

You ... not shut the window, ... you?
3. I ...read a lot of Russian books.
4. It is rainingf and the children ... stayed at home.
5. ... the mother prepared breakfast?
6. ... you hung up the towel?
Выберите нужный вариантhas or have.1. He ... given me the towel.2. You ... not shut the window,

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