Презентация, доклад на тему English grammar ( few )

a little water(a) little + uncountable noun (nepočitatelné podst. jm.)(a) little time(a) little money(a) little soupa few books(a) few + plural countable noun (počitatelné podst. jméno v mn. č.)(a) few people(a) few questions(a) few daysObrázky: Klipart

Слайд 1(a) little, (a) few
málo, trochu
vypracovala: Mgr. Monika Štrejbarová

(a) little, (a) fewmálo, trochuvypracovala: Mgr. Monika Štrejbarová

Слайд 2
a little water

(a) little + uncountable noun (nepočitatelné podst. jm.)

(a) little

(a) little money
(a) little soup

a few books

(a) few + plural countable noun (počitatelné podst. jméno v mn. č.)

(a) few people
(a) few questions
(a) few days

Obrázky: Klipart PowerPoint 2007

a little water(a) little + uncountable noun (nepočitatelné podst. jm.)(a) little time(a) little money(a) little soupa few

Слайд 3a little = some but not much

She didn´t eat anything but

she drank a little water.
I speak a little Spanish
Can you speak Spanish?
A little.

a few = some but not many

několik, pár

Last night I wrote a few letters.
I speak a few words of Spanish.
Are there any shops in the village? Yes, a few.

Používáme jako pozitivní mínění, jsme spokojeni, že máme alespoň trochu.

Obrázky: Klipart PowerPoint 2007

a little = some but not muchtrochuShe didn´t eat anything but she drank a little water.I speak

Слайд 4little = nearly no; nearly nothing
málo, skoro nic

There was little food

in the fridge. It was nearly empty.
Dan is very thin because he eats very little.

few = nearly no


There were few people in the park. It was nearly empty.
Your English is very correct. You make very few mistakes.

Obrázky: Klipart PowerPoint 2007

little = nearly no; nearly nothingmálo, skoro nicThere was little food in the fridge. It was nearly

Слайд 5little/ a little few/a few
I have got a little money.
I have got

little money.

I have got a few friends.

I have got few friends.

Obrázky: Klipart PowerPoint 2007

little/ a little				few/a fewI have got a little money.I have got little money.I have got a few

Слайд 6Odpověz na otázky, použij Yes, a little, a few.
Have you got

any money?
Have you got any envelope?
Do you want sugar in your coffee?
Did you take any photographs when you were on holiday?
Does your friend speak English?
Are there any factories in this town?

Yes, a little.

Yes, a few.

Yes, a little.

Yes, a few.

Yes, a little.

Yes, a few.

Odpověz na otázky, použij Yes, a little, a few.Have you got any money?Have you got any envelope?Do

Слайд 7Doplň (a) little, (a) few
There was .................. food in the fridge.

It was nearly empty.
„When did Sarah go out?“ „.............. minutes ago.
I can´t decide now. I need ................ time to think about it.
Would you like some soup? Yes, .............., please.
The bus service isn´t very good at night – there are ............... buses after 9 o´clock.


A few

a little

a little


Doplň (a) little, (a) fewThere was .................. food in the fridge. It was nearly empty.„When did Sarah

Слайд 8Jsou věty správně? Pokud ne, oprav je.
We´re going away for few

days next week.
Everybody needs little luck.
I can´t talk to you now – I´ve got few things to do.

I eat very little meat – I don´t like it very much.

Excuse me, can I ask you few questions?

There were little people on the bus – it was nearly empty.

for a few days

a little luck

a few things


a few questions

few people

Jsou věty správně? Pokud ne, oprav je.We´re going away for few days next week.Everybody needs little luck.I

Слайд 9Cvičení


Слайд 10Použité zdroje a literatura
STEVENS, J. Anglická gramatika jednoduše. Praha: Grada Publishing,

a.s., 2008. 176s.
BELÁN, J. Průvodce anglickým jazykem: Co byste měli znát z anglické gramatiky. Brno: Didaktis, 2009. 200s.
MURPHY, R. Essential Grammer in USE. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. 300s.

Použité zdroje a literaturaSTEVENS, J. Anglická gramatika jednoduše. Praha: Grada Publishing, a.s., 2008. 176s. BELÁN, J. Průvodce

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