a few books
(a) few + plural countable noun (počitatelné podst. jméno v mn. č.)
(a) few people
(a) few questions
(a) few days
Obrázky: Klipart PowerPoint 2007
a few = some but not many
několik, pár
Last night I wrote a few letters.
I speak a few words of Spanish.
Are there any shops in the village? Yes, a few.
Používáme jako pozitivní mínění, jsme spokojeni, že máme alespoň trochu.
Obrázky: Klipart PowerPoint 2007
few = nearly no
There were few people in the park. It was nearly empty.
Your English is very correct. You make very few mistakes.
Obrázky: Klipart PowerPoint 2007
I have got a few friends.
I have got few friends.
Obrázky: Klipart PowerPoint 2007
Yes, a little.
Yes, a few.
Yes, a little.
Yes, a few.
Yes, a little.
Yes, a few.
A few
a little
a little
for a few days
a little luck
a few things
a few questions
few people
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