Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Let's travel


Слайд 1 The 18th of January

Friday (Rakhatay B.Y.)
The 18th of January

Слайд 2 Warming-up


Слайд 3 “Let’s travel”

“Let’s travel”

Слайд 4New words:
Car – Машина

New words: 	 Car – Машина BY CAR - МАШИНАМЕН

Слайд 5New words:
plane – Ұшақ
By plane - ұШАҚПЕН

New words: 	 plane – ҰшақBy plane - ұШАҚПЕН

Слайд 6New words:
motorbike – мотоцикл
By motorbike - мотоциклмен

New words: 	 motorbike – мотоциклBy motorbike - мотоциклмен

Слайд 7New words:
Bus – автобус
By bus - автобуспен

New words: 	 Bus – автобусBy bus - автобуспен

Слайд 8New words:
Train – поезд
By train - поездбен

New words: 	 Train – поездBy train - поездбен

Слайд 9New words:
Bike- велосипед
By bike - велосипедпен

New words: 	  Bike- велосипедBy bike - велосипедпен

Слайд 10New words:
Boat- қайық
By boat - қайықпен

New words: 	 Boat- қайықBy boat - қайықпен

Слайд 11New words:
On foot, walk - жаяу

New words: 	 On foot, walk - жаяу

Слайд 12 Task 1. Listening. Listen the sounds and

answer the questions. What transport is it? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Task 1. Listening.  Listen the sounds and answer the questions. What

Слайд 13 Task 2. Finish the sentences.
I go

to London ____ _______.

I go to Moscow _____ _______ .

Task 2. Finish the sentences.I go to London ____   _______.

Слайд 14I go to New York ____ _______.
I go to

Astana ____ _______.


I go to New York ____   _______.I go to Astana ____   _______.4

Слайд 15I go home ____ _______.

I go home ____   _______.Home5

Слайд 16Dynamic break.
One, two, three clap, clap, clap.
One, two, three stamp,

stamp, stamp.
One, two, three run, run, run.
One, two, three dance, dance, dance.
One, two, three jump, jump, jump.
[now let’s do it faster]

Dynamic break.One, two, three  clap, clap, clap.One, two, three stamp, stamp, stamp.One, two, three run, run,

Слайд 17Task 3. Formative assessment.

Task 3. Formative assessment.

Слайд 18Task 3. Formative assessment.(key)
No mistake – excellent (5)
One mistake – good

Two mistake – satisfactory (3)
Task 3. Formative assessment.(key)No mistake – excellent (5)One mistake – good (4)Two mistake – satisfactory (3)

Слайд 19Task 4. Board game
Let’s divide into 2 groups and play.

must throw the dice and answer the question “What is this?”. If your answer is correct you will go ahead. If your answer is wrong you will stay on your place. The team which gets to the finish first will win.
Task 4. Board gameLet’s divide into 2 groups and play.RULES: You must throw the dice and answer

Слайд 20Conclusion. Feedback Do you like the lesson? Tick smiles

Conclusion. Feedback Do you like the lesson? Tick smilesVERY GOOD! GOOD!NOT GOOD!

Слайд 21Home task:
To learn new words

Home task:To learn new words

Слайд 22Thank you for the lesson!

Thank you for the lesson!Bye!

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