Презентация, доклад деловой игры к открытому уроку по английскому языку по теме: Дома для престарелых в СК

Правила деловой игрыThe investment real estate in Great Britain to buy the room in a nursing home in England. Команда№1— инвесторы Англии предлагает и рекламирует дорогие номера в домах для престарелых Команда №2 – знакомые пенсионера,

Слайд 1 The investment real estate in Great Britain to buy the room

in a nursing home in England. Инвестиционная недвижимость в Великобритании, купить номер в доме для престарелых в Англии. Деловая игра на уроке английского языка

Выполнена преподавателем английского языка
ГБПОУ «Нижегородского Губернского колледжа»
Кузнецовой Светланой Ивановной.

The investment real estate in Great Britain to buy the room

Слайд 2Правила деловой игры

The investment real estate in Great Britain to buy

the room in a nursing home in England.

Команда№1— инвесторы Англии предлагает и рекламирует дорогие номера в домах для престарелых

Команда №2 – знакомые пенсионера, пожелавшего жить в пансионате для престарелых, читают рекламу в интернете о домах для престарелых в Нижнем Новгороде и области для того, чтобы определить туда своего пожилого одинокого соседа.

Команда №3 –психологи подводят итоги, называют плюсы и минусы старости.

Правила деловой игрыThe investment real estate in Great Britain to buy the room in a nursing home

Слайд 3Unfortunately, homes for the elderly are associated with dirty houses where

the old persons forgotten by all live. We can’t speak neither about comfort, nor about beauty. But there is also other life for old people.

We suggest to get acquainted with surprising nursing homes where time passes absolutely in a different way. However, such life absolutely costs expensive.
Unfortunately, homes for the elderly are associated with dirty houses where the old persons forgotten by all

Слайд 4К 2050 году каждый четвертый в Великобритании будет в возрасте 65+,

что будет способствовать увеличению численности населения в пенсионном возрасте на 55% по отношению к 2016 году.
В связи с этим инвестиции в дома для престарелых являются наиболее выгодной инвестицией на сегодняшний день, так как спрос уже давно превышает предложение. 

By 2050 every fourth in Great Britain will be aged 65+ that will show increase in population at a retirement age for 55% in relation to 2016.

In this regard investments into nursing homes - are the most favorable investment today as demand exceeds the offer for a long time.

К 2050 году каждый четвертый в Великобритании будет в возрасте 65+, что будет способствовать увеличению численности населения

Слайд 5
Price: £65,000
Greater Manchester

Price: £65,000 Greater Manchester

Слайд 6The strategy of an exit from investment:
1. An opportunity to sell

number at any time in the open market
2. The builder offers an option of the return repayment at cost above original at a certain stage of seizing:
- in 10 years of seizing is 15% higher than original
- in 15 years is 20% higher than original
- in 20 years is 25% higher than original
- in 25 years is 25% higher original (if any of large investors decides to buy all building)
The builder suggests all investors to use "By Deduction option" which means that the investor pays £60,260 for number (instead of £65,000) and begins to receive profitability from 2nd year.
The strategy of an exit from investment:1. An opportunity to sell number at any time in the

Слайд 7Main characteristics of the project:
Location - Manchester
78 numbers
Under control

of the company with long-term experience in this industry.
Cost of one number 65,000 £.
The net guaranteed income makes approximately 8% a year for 25 years.
Main characteristics of the project: Location - Manchester 78 numbersUnder control of the company with long-term experience

Слайд 8There are various conveniences in each houses.

Services of:
travel agency,

cleaning company,
the concierge,
the nutritionist
emergency medical service.
There are various conveniences in each houses.Services of: travel agency, the cleaning company, the concierge, the nutritionist

Слайд 9Beautiful life in the company of similar can expect pensioners.
And it

is not just viewing of the TV in the hall or a board game. Elderly people can go to parties, fitness, excursions. To get to a home for old people , it is necessary to conform to certain financial requirements and to undergo medical examination.
The payment is brought either monthly, or annually.
Beautiful life in the company of similar can expect pensioners.And it is not just viewing of the

Слайд 10ПАНСИОНАТ «КАК ДОМА» в Нижнем Новгороде — ЭТО:
6-разовое индивидуальное питание
Специальные условия

для лежачих постояльцев
Просторные одно-, двух-, трех- и четырехместные комнаты
Индивидуальные программы реабилитации
Полный гигиенический уход, стрижка ногтей и волос, купание
Специализированный уход для постояльцев с болезнью Альцгеймера, Паркинсона
Регулярный осмотр специалистов и помощь психолога
Квалифицированный и доброжелательный персонал
Организация досуга, новые знакомства, общение
Регулярная уборка помещений, замена и стирка белья

The “AS AT HOME” BOARDING HOUSE in Nizhny Novgorod suggests

6-times individual food
Special conditions for lying lodgers
Spacious one - two - three - and four-seater rooms
Individual programs of rehabilitation
Full hygienic leaving, hairstyle of nails and hair, bathing
Specialized leaving for lodgers with Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson
Regular survey of experts and help of the psychologist
The qualified and helpful staff
Organization of leisure, new acquaintances, communication
Regular cleaning of rooms, replacement and washing of linen

ПАНСИОНАТ «КАК ДОМА» в Нижнем Новгороде — ЭТО:6-разовое индивидуальное питаниеСпециальные условия для лежачих постояльцевПросторные одно-, двух-, трех- и четырехместные

Слайд 11Pros to be old
/ Cons to be old

Pros to be old/ Cons to be old

Слайд 12Pros: Из текста выписать только преимущества старости You made it old

age. Despite numerous instances where your innate sense of stupidity attempted to prevent this from occurring, it failed and now you are old man/woman.
You may finally have earned enough wealth to enjoy your life. You may own your own home, vehicles and you can afford to travel to places where you couldn't afford to go when you were younger.
You can retire from your place of employment and you no longer have to face the daily grind of going to work and dealing with the same people and the same BS that you have for many years.
You may finally have become the most intelligent person around and your advice and guidance may be sought out by others.
Your children (if you have any) will have children and you are able to enjoy watching them grow.

Pros: Из текста выписать только преимущества старости   You made it old age. Despite numerous instances

Слайд 13Cons:Из текста выписать только недостатки старости You made it to old age.

Your body is beginning to break down and fail. Your eyesight is poor and so is your hearing. You can't sleep very well and numerous minor and major maladies make each day a trial.
You are likely on a fixed income. If you failed to save adequately and invest properly, you might find yourself scraping by each day. And you spent a great deal time worrying about your expenses.
You are retired and you'll have to find a way to fill the time in your life that was previously occupied by work or your profession. If you have few hobbies or interests this may be difficult, and many days may seem dull and unending.
You may be viewed as being naive or out of touch as you aren't familiar with new inventions, trends and fads. Many people may avoid your company as they find your complaining about change tiresome and unpleasant.
Unfortunately you may live enough to witness the death of one or both parents, one or more siblings, a spouse, a close friend and, most unfortunately, a child. These events will leave you deeply saddened and potentially, alone.
Cons:Из текста выписать только недостатки старости  You made it to old age. Your body is beginning

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