Самый простой
способ - использование контекстно-зависимого меню
Щелкните по нужной поверхности.
The easiest
way-using the context
sensitive menu
Click on the chosen surface, right-click, and select Hide
Click on the desired surface.
Hide multiple surfaces, so you can work inside the facility.
Hide mode does not remove the selected surface.
To display hidden surfaces, use the menu item View-> Show Hidden Geometry. Together with the surface hiding her face. To display hidden facets, you can apply for the faces of the Unhide command on the contextual menu. For skrytijavidimyh faces hidden, you can use the Hide from the contextual menu or tool Erase Tool with the Shift key pressed simultaneously. Use the Erase Tool with the Shift key pressed simultaneously hides the face, rather than remove them. Hidden surfaces Show Hidden mode Geometry appear transparent hatching "in the box".
Surface in SketchUp bilateral. This means that each surface has an obverse and reverse sides. By default, the front part is painted in a beige color and the reverse in blue. It is important to remember if you are going to export the model to the formats DWG, DXF, 3DS, VRML, because SketchUp only stores the color of an obverse surface.
Reverse Faces для выбранных нескольких поверхностей.
Рассматривайте модель с разных сторон, чтобы увидеть различия между
лицевыми и обратными поверхностями.
Reverse Faces for selected multiple surfaces.
Consider a model with different sides in order to see the differences between
obverse and reverse surfaces.
To display all hidden surfaces use the menu command Edit->-> Unhide All. To turn off display mode hidden surfaces again select View-> Show Hidden Geometry.
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