Презентация, доклад об Амурских тиграх на английском языке

Fast facts Status: Endangered Type: MammalDiet: Carnivore Size: 10.75 ft (3.3 m)Weight: 660 lbs (300 kg)

Слайд 1 PRESENTATION Siberian ( Amur) tigers Polinа Korchinskаyа

PRESENTATION  Siberian  ( Amur) tigers     Polinа Korchinskаyа

Слайд 2Fast facts
Status: Endangered Type: Mammal
Diet: Carnivore

Size: 10.75 ft (3.3 m)
Weight: 660 lbs (300 kg)

Fast facts Status: Endangered      Type: MammalDiet: Carnivore

Слайд 3Place of residence
Siberian (or Amur) tigers live primarily in eastern Russia's

birch forests, though some exist in China and North Korea.

There are an estimated 400 to 500 Siberian tigers living in the wild, and recent studies suggest that these numbers are stable
Place of residenceSiberian (or Amur) tigers live primarily in eastern Russia's birch forests, though some exist in

Слайд 4Population and Conservation
Poaching is a reduced—but still very significant—threat to Siberian


All five remaining tiger subspecies are endangered, and many protection programs are in place.

There were once eight tiger subspecies, but three became extinct during the 20th century.

Tigers are the largest of all wild cats and are renowned for their power and strength.

Population and ConservationPoaching is a reduced—but still very significant—threat to Siberian tigers.All five remaining tiger subspecies are

Слайд 5Population and Conservation
Over the last hundred years, hunting and forest destruction

have reduced overall tiger populations from hundreds of thousands to perhaps 3,000 to 5,000.

Tigers are hunted as trophies and also for body parts that are used in traditional Chinese medicine.

Population and ConservationOver the last hundred years, hunting and forest destruction have reduced overall tiger populations from

Слайд 6Behavior
Tigers live alone and aggressively scent-mark large territories to keep their

rivals away.

They are powerful hunters that travel many miles to find prey, such as elk and wild boar, on nocturnal hunts.

Tigers use their distinctive coats as camouflage (no two have exactly the same stripes) and hunt by stealth.

BehaviorTigers live alone and aggressively scent-mark large territories to keep their rivals away.They are powerful hunters that

Слайд 7Behavior
A hungry tiger can eat as much as 60 pounds

(27 kilograms) in one night, though they usually eat less.
Behavior A hungry tiger can eat as much as 60 pounds (27 kilograms) in one night, though

Слайд 8Behavior
Despite their fearsome reputation, most tigers avoid humans.
These animals are

often sick and unable to hunt normally, or live in areas where their traditional prey has vanished.
BehaviorDespite their fearsome reputation, most tigers avoid humans. These animals are often sick and unable to hunt

Слайд 9Behavior
Females give birth to litters of two to six cubs, which

they raise with little or no help from the male.

Cubs cannot hunt until they are 18 months old, and remain with their mothers for two to three years, when they disperse to find their own territory.

BehaviorFemales give birth to litters of two to six cubs, which they raise with little or no

Слайд 10Thank you for your attention

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