Презентация, доклад на тему What are your achievements?

Слайд 1Урок английского языка в 7 классе по теме «What are you

good at?»
Урок английского языка в 7 классе по теме «What are you good at?»

Слайд 2To set a record for

To set a record for

Слайд 3Hard to try hard

Hard       to try hard

Слайд 4properly


Слайд 5To achieve

To achieve

Слайд 6An ability (in)

An ability (in)

Слайд 7An achievement

An achievement

Слайд 8Championships


Слайд 9An ambition

An ambition

Слайд 11Top (sportsman)

Top (sportsman)

Слайд 12Cartoon


Слайд 13Cartoonist


Слайд 14To go in for

To go in for

Слайд 15Bronze medal

Bronze medal

Слайд 16An award

An award

Слайд 17What are your achievements? What is George the best at?
I tried

hard and won the BBC Young Musician of the year competition. I think I have musical abilities. I want to be a famous pianist. (George, 13)
To try – стараться
Hard – упорно
An ability - способность
What are your achievements?  What is George the best at? I tried hard and won the

Слайд 18What is Jonathan the best at?
I trained properly and set a

new national record for the long jump. I think I’ve achieved much, but my ambition is to win the Olympics, to be a top sportsman and a professional. (Jonathan,14)
Properly – правильно
To set a record – установить рекорд (в)
To achieve – достигать, добиваться
An achievement – достижение
An ambition – стремление , цель
Top – лучший
A professional - профессионал

What is Jonathan the best at?I trained properly and set a new national record for the long

Слайд 19What is Jodie the best at?
I go in for horse –

riding and my greatest achievement was when I was in the British team at the TREC European Championships. Our team won the bronze medal. My ambition is to win a gold medal. But I have to work hard to get what I want. (Jodie, 15)
To go in for – заниматься, увлекаться
Championship – чемпионат
Gold – золотой

What is Jodie the best at?I go in for horse – riding and my greatest achievement was

Слайд 20What is Emilia the best at?
I won the Young Cartoonist of

the Year Award. I’ve always enjoyed drawing and I have ability in drawing. I think it’s necessary to practice hard to be really good at something. (Emilia, 12)
Cartoon – мультфильм, юмористический рисунок
Cartoonist – художник - юморист
An award – награда
Necessary - необходимый

What is Emilia the best at?I won the Young Cartoonist of the Year Award. I’ve always enjoyed

Слайд 21Are the following statements about George and Jonathan true or false?

Prove it.

George has ability in music.
George’s ambition is to be a professional musician.
It was easy for George to win the competition.

Jonathan goes in for sport and he trains hard.
Jonathan wants to compete in the Olympics and to be a good sportsman.
Jonathan has set a world record.

Are the following statements about George and Jonathan true or false? Prove it.George has ability in music.

Слайд 22Are the following statements about Jodie and Emilia true or false?

Prove it.

Jodie has achievements in sport.
Jodie knows what to do if she wants to achieve her ambition.

Emilia hasn’t got any prizes.
Emilia is not interested in drawing cartoons.
Emilia knows what to do to be the best.

Are the following statements about Jodie and Emilia true or false? Prove it.Jodie has achievements in sport.

Слайд 23Match the photos with the names of famous people
Tom and Jerry

Michael Jordan
Virginia Woolf
Abraham Lincoln







Match the photos with the names of famous peopleTom and JerryBruce WillisMichael JordanMadonnaVirginia WoolfAbraham Lincoln123456

Слайд 24Match the names and the professions.
Bruce Willis
Michael Jordan
Virginia Woolf


An actor
A singer
A writer
A president
A basketball player

Match the names and the professions.  Bruce WillisMichael JordanMadonnaVirginia WoolfAbraham LincolnAn actorA singerA writerA presidentA basketball

Слайд 25Make up sentences.
Fought against slavery relentlessly
Starred in

“Moonlighting” brilliantly
wrote her novels well
Played basketball wonderfully
Were inseparably
Sang her songs sweetly

Tom and Jerry
Bruce Willis
Michael Jordan
Virginia Woolf
Abraham Lincoln

Make up sentences.Fought against slavery relentlesslyStarred in

Слайд 26Look and say how somebody does something. Use these words.

Look and say how somebody does something. Use these words.WellFastQuietlySweetlySlowlyQuickly

Слайд 27What are your achievements? Discuss your achievements and ambitions with your partner. What

do you do after school? What are you interested in?

To go in for
To like to
To go to …club
To play

What are your achievements?  Discuss your achievements and ambitions with your partner.  What do you

Слайд 28What helped you to get good results?
To practice hard
To train properly

work hard
To try hard
What helped you to get good results?To practice hardTo train properlyTo work hardTo try hard

Слайд 29What are your ambitions? What were your achievements?
To win a prize
To get

an award(for)
To achieve good results

What are your ambitions? What were your achievements?To win a prizeTo get an award(for)To achieve good results

Слайд 30What are your ambitions? What were your achievements?
To be best at
To become

a professional
To be a top sportsman
To become the best pupil
To be the number one player
What are your ambitions? What were your achievements?To be best atTo become a professionalTo be a top

Слайд 31Now I know…
Now I remember…
Now I can…

Now I know…Now I remember…Now I can…

Слайд 32

I like this lesson. It’s great

I don’t like this lesson. It’s dull

I like this lesson. It’s great

Слайд 33 Thank you for your attention Good

Thank you for your attention  Good luck!

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