Презентация, доклад на тему Веб-квест по английскому языку на тему Еда

Exercise 1 Name pictures

Слайд 1Веб-квест для урока английского языка 7 класс Тема: еда

Веб-квест для урока английского языка 7 класс  Тема: еда

Слайд 2Exercise 1 Name pictures

Exercise 1 Name pictures

Слайд 3Exercise 2 Cross the odd word out
apple, apricot, grapes, kiwi,

juice, water, banana, milk, cola
cabbage, melon, onion, tomato, radish
add, bake, cook, garlic, cut
potato, fry, tomato, pea, pepper
tea, lemon, fig, pineapple, avocado
coke, cocktail, beer, grill, wine
beet, pumpkin, spinach, drill, cherry
grind , currant, heat, mince, pour, roast
gooseberry, raspberry, stir, strawberry
Exercise 2 Cross the odd word out apple, apricot, grapes, kiwi, carrot juice, water, banana, milk, colacabbage,

Слайд 4Exercise 3 Find 15 names of fruits

Exercise 3 Find 15 names of fruits

Слайд 5Exercise 4 Find 15 names of vegetables

Exercise 4 Find 15 names of vegetables

Слайд 6Exercise 5 Put letters in the correct order


Exercise 5  Put letters in the correct order(drinks) jgiuareepcjorcaeiegnujaupceleipjigruaecpeetaefcofeearwtkilmIewnereb

Слайд 7Exercise 5 Match verbs with their definitions
to bake
to boil

to chop
to cut
to fry
to grate
to grease
to melt
to peel

to cut into small pieces, generally used with vegetables.
to cut meat into slices.
to take the skin off of fruits or vegetables.
to cook by putting the food into extremely hot oil.
to separate or divide by using a knife.
to cook in an oven by using heat.
to heat water until little bubbles form.
to divide into small parts by rubbing on a serrated surface, usually used with cheese
to coat with oil or butter.
to make something become liquid through heating.

Exercise 5 Match verbs with their definitions to baketo boil to carveto chop to cut to fry

Слайд 8Links

Links https://skyeng.ru/articles/vse-vkusnye-frukty-i-yagody-na-anglijskomhttps://www.homeenglish.ru/otherveg.htmhttps://english4russians.ru/content/article/227-napitki-na-anglijskom-yazyke.htmlhttp://study-english.info/cooking-verbs.php

Слайд 9Results
Exercise 1-1 points for each correct answer =10 points

2-1 point for each correct answer =10 points
Exercise 3-2 points for each correct answer =20 points
Exercise 4-2 points for each correct answer =20 points
Exercise 5-2 points for each correct answer =20 points
Exercise 6-2 points for each correct answer =20 points
Maximum 100 points
Results Exercise 1-1 points for each correct answer =10 points Exercise 2-1 point for each correct answer

Слайд 10Answers
Ex. 1 bread, banana, carrot, mushroom, tomato, apple, juice, milk,

chocolate, cucumber
Ex. 2 1) carrot 2) banana 3)melon 4) garlic 5) fry 6) tea 7) grill 8) cherry 9) currant 10) stir
Ex.3 apple, apricot, pear, plum, orange, grapes, kiwi, mango, banana, lime, tangerine, persimmon, avocado, melon, watermelon
Ex. 4 aubergine, beans, peas, tomato, potato, carrot, onion, garlic, cucumber, pepper, beet, radish, dill, celery
Ex. 5 1) grape juice 2) orange juice 3) apple juice 4) grape juice 5) tea 6) coffee 7) water 8) milk 9) wine 10) beer
Ex. 6 1)f 2)g 3)b 4)a 5)e 6)d 7)h 8)i 9)j 10) c
Answers Ex. 1 bread, banana, carrot, mushroom, tomato, apple, juice, milk, chocolate, cucumber Ex. 2 1) carrot

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