Презентация, доклад на тему Урок в 6 классе, Кузовлев, праздники

Apple Day

Слайд 1Trafalgar Day

Trafalgar Day

Слайд 2Apple Day

Apple Day

Слайд 3Sweetest Day

Sweetest Day

Слайд 4A sweet-tooth My favourite sweet is …

A sweet-tooth My favourite sweet is …

Слайд 6To break (broken) a mug

I’m so sorry! I have broken your

Don’t worry!
To break (broken) a mugI’m so sorry! I have broken your mug!Don’t worry!

Слайд 7My favourite character

My favourite character

Слайд 8My favourite character
Hello! My name is Sally. One of my favourite _________

is the Cheshire Cat. The _______comes from Alice in ______ and he is pink and ______ with pink yellow _____. He has a long tail and pink and purple ____ and he has a _____ big smile. I come from Cheshire and so I _____ like the Cheshire Cat.


Cheshire Cat







My favourite characterHello! My name is Sally. One of my favourite _________ is the Cheshire Cat. The

Слайд 9Cheshire


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