Презентация, доклад на тему Урок по английскому языку на тему: “The ABC of Ecology” Экология (8 класс)

The ABC of Ecology

Слайд 1Урок по теме: “The ABC of Ecology” «Экология» в 8

классе к учебнику О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева «Новый курс английского языка для российских школ» – М.: Дрофа.

Дандыль Г. П.
Учитель английского языка
МБОУ СОШ № 1 c.Арзгир,
Ставропольский край

Урок по теме:  “The ABC of Ecology” «Экология»   в 8 классе к учебнику О.В.

Слайд 2The ABC of Ecology

The ABC of Ecology

Слайд 3The aim of our lesson is:
1. To improve our English related

to the ecological problems.
2. To study new facts about endangered animals.
3. To discuss our attitude towards ecology.
4. To study new words.
5. To check our listening skills.

The aim of our lesson is:1. To improve our English related to the ecological problems. 2. To

Слайд 4Complete the sentences
Ecology is a …
Ecology studies …

natural environment is …
Ecology teaches us …
Ecologists collect information about …
Complete the sentences Ecology is a … Ecology studies … A natural environment is … Ecology teaches

Слайд 5What is their natural environment? What do they feed on?
an elephant


a squirrel

a fish

What is their natural environment? What do they feed on?an elephanta liona squirrela fish

Слайд 6Our environment Give equivalents of the words and word combination.
чтобы мы могли


воздух, чтобы дышать

мы вырубаем леса

мы загрязняем окружающую среду

опасный для дыхания

мы производим массу отходов


Our environment Give equivalents of the words and word combination.чтобы мы могли житьвоздух, чтобы дышатьмы вырубаем лесамы

Слайд 7Match the two columns
a scientist who studies the environment and the

way plants, animals and people live together in relation to each other

to make air, water and soil too dirty and dangerous for people

a place usually outside a town where people collect waste

the world with all living things, the land and the seas


Match the two columnsa scientist who studies the environment and the way plants, animals and people live

Слайд 8Focus
the more… the more
the more… the less
Оба процесса происходят одновременно


longer I stay in Moscow, the more I love the city. (Чем дольше я живу в Москве, тем больше я люблю этот город.)
FocusКонструкция the more… the morethe more… the lessОба процесса происходят одновременноThe longer I stay in Moscow, the

Слайд 9Match the parts of sentences
The more fruit and vegetables we eat,


more water we waste,

The less we destroy our planet,

The more trees we plant,

the more dangerous for you it is.
the cleaner the air we breath.
the healthier we are.
the happier we will be.

Match the parts of sentencesThe more fruit and vegetables we eat,The more water we waste,The less we

Слайд 10As Dead as a Dodo
1) The island of Mauritius is

in …
the Indian ocean
the Atlantic ocean
the Pacific ocean

2) People … on the island of Mauritius
didn’t live

3) Dodos lived in the island
about 100 years ago
4000 years ago
about 400 years ago

4) They were … to catch

5) “Dodo” from the Portuguese means
a silly bird
a silly person

As Dead as a Dodo 1) The island of Mauritius is in …the Indian oceanthe Atlantic oceanthe

Слайд 11It is interesting to know
the lion has the smallest heart

of a wild animals;

tortoises live 140 years;

fish live 60 years or longer;

insects live only one year or even one day.
It is interesting to know the lion has the smallest heart of a wild animals; tortoises live

Слайд 12English proverbs
A cat in gloves catches no mice.

A bird in the

hand is worth in the bush.

One swallow doesn’t make spring.

All cats are grey at night.

Eggs cannot teaches a hen

Без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда.

Не сули журавля в небе, а дай синицу в руки.

Одна ласточка весны не делает.

Все кошки серые ночью

Яйца курицу не учат.

English proverbsA cat in gloves catches no mice.A bird in the hand is worth in the bush.One

Слайд 13New words
- спасать
- закон
- правительство
- ответственный

- охотиться
- повредить, нанести урон
- к несчастью
- перерабатывать
- необходимый
New words savelawgovernmentresponsiblehuntdamageunfortunatelyrecyclenecessary - спасать - закон - правительство - ответственный - охотиться - повредить, нанести урон

Слайд 14Let us draw a conclusion!
People have to think about all these

ecological problems if they want to survive.

All countries should have strong laws to control pollution to protect animals and plants.

Governments should build recycling factories.

We all must work together to make our planet a safe and beautiful place to live.
Let us draw a conclusion!People have to think about all these ecological problems if they want to

Слайд 15Be kind to nature!

Be kind to nature!

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