…наступит день, когда города шире раздвинут свои стены и впустят к себе леса, поля и дикую природу. Люди не должны забывать, что на Земле им отведено очень небольшое место, что они живут в окружении природы, которая легко может взять обратно всё, что дала человеку. Ей ничего не стоит смести нас лица Земли своим дыханием и затопить нас водами океана- просто, чтобы ещё раз напомнить человеку ,что он не так всемогущ, как думает…если мы не будем постоянно ощущать её рядом в ночи, мы позабудем, какой она может быть грозной и могущественной. И тогда в один прекрасный день она придёт и поглотит нас.
What global issues is the performer of the song bringing up ?
Michael Jackson
Earth Song
Hours before the huge tsunami off the coast Sumatra reached land, some people noticed that the animals started acting strangely. For example, the elephants made lots of noise and decided to run to higher ground just before the waves hit. In the days that followed, wardens at Sri Lanka’s Yala National Park were very busy looking for the animals to their surprise they found nearly all of them alive. So, did the animals know what was about to happen?
If so, then this could mean that animals are capable of predicting natural disasters. Many animals have much better hearing than human beings. They can hear certain noises at great distances. Others have sensitive feet , enabling them to feel vibrations in the ground. Migrating birds can sense changes in atmospheric pressure when they fly. Moreover, animals that live in groups sometimes have special cries to warm the others when danger is near.
Although we don’t know for sure, animals may know more than we think. So if your pet starts acting strangely, maybe you should take noise. They could be trying to tell you something.
Draw facial expressions in their circles to show how they would feel in each type of weather.
Hold up your papers and one of representatives of your group should to explain how you feel in each type of weather.
-E.g –When it is sunny, I feel happy because I can go to the seaside.
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