Презентация, доклад на тему Упражнение по косвенной речи

“I am relaxing in the garden”John

Слайд 1Reported speech
Part 1

Reported speechPart 1

Слайд 2“I am relaxing in the garden”

“I am relaxing in the garden”John

Слайд 3John said that he was relaxing in the garden.

John said that he was relaxing in the garden.

Слайд 4“I am walking with Tom in the park”

“I am walking with Tom in the park”Peter

Слайд 5Peter said that
he was walking with Tom in the park.

Peter said that he was walking with Tom in the park.

Слайд 6“I like singing songs
for my friends”

“I like singing songs for my friends”Greg

Слайд 7Greg said that he
liked singing songs
for his friends.

Greg said that he liked singing songs for his friends.

Слайд 8“I am so angry today”

“I am so angry today”Peter

Слайд 9Peter said that he was so angry that day.

Peter said that he was so angry that day.

Слайд 10“I
play football
for school team”

“I play footballfor school team”Fred

Слайд 11Fred said that
he played football for school team..

Fred said that he played football for school team..

Слайд 12“I always do my homework”

“I always do my homework”Mary

Слайд 13Mary said that
she always did her homework.

Mary said thatshe always did her homework.

Слайд 14“I like skiing in winter”

“I like skiing in winter”Samuel

Слайд 15Samuel said that
he liked skiing in winter.

Samuel said thathe liked skiing in winter.

Слайд 16“I get up too early every day”

“I get up too early every day”Jimmy

Слайд 17Jimmy said that
he got up too early every day.

Jimmy said thathe got up too early every day.

Слайд 18“I am afraid of dogs”

“I am afraid of dogs”Fred

Слайд 19Fred said that
he was afraid of dogs.

Fred said thathe was afraid of dogs.

Слайд 20“I eat a lot of sandwiches”

“I eat a lot of sandwiches”Nick

Слайд 21Nick said that he ate a lot of sandwiches.

Nick said that he ate a lot of sandwiches.

Слайд 22The end
Created by IrinaZh

The endCreated by IrinaZh

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