Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Условные предложения

Conditions and results Sentences with If are called conditionals. The If…clause is the condition and the other part of the sentence is the result. There are 4 examples of conditionals, used

Слайд 1Conditionals
Работу выполнила
ученица МКОУ заречной СОШ
Аношина Полина
Учитель английского языка
Мусеева Г.А.

ConditionalsРаботу выполнила ученица МКОУ заречной СОШАношина ПолинаУчитель английского языкаМусеева Г.А.

Слайд 2Conditions and results
Sentences with If

are called conditionals. The If…clause is the condition and the other part of the sentence is the result. There are 4 examples of conditionals, used for talking about checking in the airport for a flight:

If you arrive early, you get a better seat.
If you arrive early, you'll get a better seat.
If you arrived early, you'd get a better seat.
If you had arrive early, you'd have get a better seat.

Sentence 1 is talking generally about something that is always true.
Sentence 2 is talking about something that is likely to happen in the future.
Sentence 3 is talking about something that is unlikely to happen in the future or an imaginary situation.
Sentence 4 is talking about something that is imaginary in the past.

Conditions and results      Sentences with If are called conditionals. The If…clause is

Слайд 3Zero conditional: If + present simple,… present simple
This type of sentence

describe things that are always or generally true. We can use when or if to introduce the sentence.
It's a tropical country, and so if it rains hard, everyone stays indoors.
There can be an imperative structure in the result clause: just the bare infinitive with no subject. An imperative is when we tell people what to do.
If you change your mind, give me a ring.
Zero conditional: If + present simple,… present simpleThis type of sentence describe things that are always or

Слайд 4First conditional: If + present simple, …will/won't
This type of sentence

describes future events that will happen, or are likely to happen. It is a real possibility in the speakers mind, not imaginary
If we run, we won't be late.
If we don't run, we will be late.
In the conditional clause it is possible to use other present tenses, not just the present simple.
If you are driving, I'll come with you.
If you have seen the film before, you'll let you know.

First conditional:  If + present simple, …will/won't This type of sentence describes future events that will

Слайд 5Second conditional: If+past simple, …would/wouldn't
This type of sentence describes future

events that are imaginary, unlikely or impossible.
If I flew to school, I wouldn't be late.
Would is usually contracted in speech
I'd become famous ( = I would become famous )

Second conditional: If+past simple, …would/wouldn't This type of sentence describes future events that are imaginary, unlikely or

Слайд 6Third conditional: If+past perfect, …would/wouldn't /past simple
This type of sentence describes

something that is imaginary in the past.

If you had arrive early, you'd have get a better seat.

Third conditional: If+past perfect, …would/wouldn't /past simpleThis type of sentence describes something that is imaginary in the

Слайд 7 The apple-tree. Прочитайте и переведите текст, найдите и подчеркните все типы условных


There was a rich farmer in England. He had a friend, who could grow very tasty apples. One day a friend gave a farmer an apple-tree as a present and told him to plant it. The farmer brought the tree to his house but he did not know what to do with it. He thought that if he planted the tree near the road, strangers would steal the apples, if he planted the tree in the field, the neighbours would come at night and rob him and if he planted the tree near his house, his children would take the apples. Finally he decided to plant it deep in the wood. The trees could not grow without sunlight and died.
When the farmers friend learn what happened to the tree he got furious. He asked the farmer why he had planted the tree in such a bad place. “Where could I plant it? » said the farmer. “If I had planted the tree near the road, strangers would have stolen the apples, if I had planted the tree in the field, the neighbours would have robbed me and if I had planted the tree near my house, my children would have eaten them” But his friend did not agree with the farmer. He had given this present for people to enjoy it. And now nobody could enjoy the apples and the farmer had lost a fine tree.

The apple-tree. Прочитайте и переведите текст, найдите и подчеркните

Слайд 81.Complete using the correct form of the verbs: FALL, SELL, CATCH,


If you run after two hares you_______ none.
If you lie down with dogs you _______ with fleas.
If the sky______ we shall catch larks.
If you argue to carry the calf, they _____ you carry the cow.
If you ______ not a servant, he will pay himself.
If you sell the cow, you will sell her milk too.

1.Complete using the correct form of the verbs: FALL, SELL, CATCH, MAKE, PAY, GET UP If you

Слайд 9 2. Match the beginning with the ending.

2. Match the beginning with the ending.

Слайд 10Заполните таблицу (по памяти)

Заполните таблицу (по памяти)

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