Презентация, доклад на тему Unit 6 Whatever the weather.....

What is the weather like in spring ? (What is special about each season in your region?)Spring is/ isn`t…Spring stuffy mildsevere

Слайд 1Unit 6
Whatever the weather…

Unit  6Whatever the weather…

Слайд 2What is the weather like in spring ? (What is

special about each season in your region?)

Spring is/ isn`t…



What is the weather like in spring ?   (What is special about each season in

Слайд 3What is the weather like in summer?
Summer is/isn`t

What is the weather like in summer?Summer   is/isn`tSummerstuffy

Слайд 4What is the weather like in Autumn?
Autumn is isn`t …

What is the weather like in Autumn?Autumn  is isn`t …Autumnstuffy

Слайд 5What is the weather like in winter?
Winter is/isn`t…


What is the weather like in winter?Winter is/isn`t…Winterstuffy        mildsevere

Слайд 6What is Helen`s favourite season? Read the text . SB p.101 ex.2)

I like it when there is sunshine,the temperature becomes high and so warm outside! Light snow sometimes falls only in some areas but snow is unusual for my favourite season. New leaves come to life and my mother and I plant trees and flowers. The weather is fine for working in the garden and riding a bike.
What is Helen`s favourite season? Read the text . SB p.101 ex.2)

Слайд 8If the weather is fine…( first conditional) We know , sometimes

our plans can change because of the weather .Different weather makes us feel different and choose different activitie s. What will you and your friends do in different weather. Match.

If it is very cold ,
If it is temperature is 30 below zero,
If there is a heavy rain at the weekend,
If there is sunshine,

I will go to the park
my friends and I will stay at home.
my friend and I will wear warm clothes.
I will not go to the country side.

If the weather is fine…( first conditional) We know , sometimes our plans can change because of

Слайд 9Here are some weather forecasts. What will you and your relatives

do in this or that weather?

Преобразуй в придаточное предложение.( Present simple)

Главное предложение.( Future Simple)

It will freeze in the evening.
There will be a light rain in the afternoon.
It will be hot and humid tomorrow.
It will be frosty next week.
There will be a thunderstorm tomorrow.

My friends and I won`t spend time outside.
I will skate a lot.
I will take my umbrella.
My friends and I will go skiing.
My parents and I won1t go to the countryside.

Here are some weather forecasts. What will you and your relatives do in this or that weather?Преобразуй

Слайд 10Do you think about the weather before planning weekends? What will

you do if…? ________________________

relax on the beach.
play sports outside.
stay at home and watch a new film.
ride a bike.
stay at home and clean my room.
play hockey/football.
help my parents in the garden.

If it rains, I will watch TV at home.
If it is frosty , I won`t plant flowers.
If the weather is fine, I will play sports.

If it …., I will
If it is …, I won`t
If there is …, _________________________
Use these words.
Sunshine , a heavy rain , rains , snows, melts, freezes ,wet, a light frost , a thunderstorm, rainy ,sunny , hot and humid, warm and dry.

Do you think about the weather before planning weekends? What will you do if…? ________________________relax on the

Слайд 11 . What will you do if the day is hot or

cold? Use these words. SB p.104 ex.5 and remember « Lovely weather for ducks!»

Frost/skate hot and humid/go to the garden
Terrible/play sports at school 25 above/go to the beach
Rain/wear the raincoat lovely/spend a lot of time outside
A thunderstorm/stay at home snowy/go skiing

If it is rains, I will watch TV at home.

.  What will you do if the day is hot or

Слайд 12 The weather can be dangerous sometimes. What will / won`t you

do in such weather? Fill in the gaps.( If it is stormy , I won`t talk over mobile phone outside.) SB p. 89 ex.1

If it____(be)stormy, my friends and I____(ride a bike).
If there__(be) a severe storm , my parents and I__(stay at home).
My father and I____(fish in a boat) if there __(be) a heavy rain.
If there ___(be) a thunderstorm , I ___(stay near an open window).
My friends and I___ ( play football ) if it ___(rain).
I____(play outside) if the playground____(frost) during the night.
If the weather___(be) stormy, I ___(stay away from metal things).
My parents and I____(not go skiing) if the temperature__(be) 25 below zero.

The weather can be dangerous sometimes. What will / won`t you do in such weather? Fill

Слайд 13What is the weather going to be like?
Grammar in focus Future

Meaning(будущее действие):to be going to do smth.
Мы используем to be going to….(когда мы говорим о том, что мы собираемся (намереваемся ) что-то сделать в будущем: I am going to swim a lot.-Я собираюсь много плавать.
Когда обстоятельства подсказывают нам , что обязательно , неизбежно произойдёт в будущем. There are dark clouds in the sky. It is going to rain.- На небе тёмные облака. Пойдёт дождь. (обстоятельства подсказывают , что будет дождь, так как на небе собираются облака)

What is the weather going to be like?Grammar in focus Future Meaning(будущее действие):to be going to do

Слайд 14In your culture. In old Russia people made a forecast using

signs. What is the weather going to be like according to these signs? Complete the sentences and translate them.(SB p.106 ex.2)

The snow is melting on April 7.
February is frosty and sunny.
It is rainy on the 3rd of July.
There is a storm in September.
April is hot and dry.

Spring / start earlier.
Summer / be rainy.
It / rain for 40 days.
Autumn / be warm and dry.
Summer / be very dry.

In your culture. In old Russia people made a forecast using signs. What is the weather going

Слайд 15The children are ready to do different things after school .

What are the children `s plans for the near future?Choose the words from the box. Use to be going to and Present Progressive where it is possible.
The children are ready to do different things after school . What are the children `s plans

Слайд 16 Summer or winter? What

is your favourite season?
Summer or winter?   What is your favourite season?

Слайд 17whether-ли to weather-выдерживать whatever –какой бы ни
Whether the weather is fine,
Or whether

the weather is not,
Whether the weather is cold,
Or whether the weather is hot,
We`ll weather the weather
Whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not
whether-ли to weather-выдерживать whatever –какой бы ниWhether the weather  is fine,Or whether the weather is not,Whether

Слайд 18Соглашаясь с мнением о погоде, британцы не повторяют реплику собеседника ,

а используют другие близкие по значению слова: -- It is lovely today. --Yes, it is wonderful.

Expressing your opinion about the weather.

Expressing your opinion about the weather.

I like frosty weather.
I like it when it snows.
I like it when it is snowy.
It is lovely.
I hate frosty weather.
I hate it when it snows.
I hate it when it is snowy.
It is a lovely day.

I dislike frosty weather.
I dislike it when it is snows.
I dislike it when it is snowy.
It is lovely weather.

Соглашаясь с мнением о погоде, британцы не повторяют реплику собеседника , а используют другие близкие по значению

Слайд 19 Describing the weather
It rains.
It is snowy.
There is a

It will rain.
It will be snowy.
There will be a storm.
It is going to rain.
It is going to be snowy.
Describing the weatherIt rains.It is snowy.There is a storm.It will rain.It will be snowy.There

Слайд 20 Project
Which season is

your favourite? Why?Which season is the worst in your opinion? Why?
ProjectWhich season is your favourite? Why?Which season is the

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