Презентация, доклад на тему The UK

Capital City The capital city of England is London and one of the biggest cities in the world. It was situated on the river Thames nearly 2000 years ago.

Слайд 1United Kingdom

All About England.
United Kingdom

Слайд 2Capital City
The capital city of England is London and one

of the biggest cities in the world. It was situated on the river Thames nearly 2000 years ago.
Capital City The capital city of England is London and one of the biggest cities in the

Слайд 3Union Jack
The flag of the United Kingdom- United Jack- is one

of the most famous all over the world. In1801, when UK formed, was alleged the flag of The UK It consists of 3 crosses: the Scottish cross of Andrew the Apostle, the English cross of St. George and the Irish cross of St. Patrick.
Union JackThe flag of the United Kingdom- United Jack- is one of the most famous all over

Слайд 4Currency
The national currency of the UK is the pound sterling. The

pound sterling is the third- largest reserve currency in the world.
CurrencyThe national currency of the UK is the pound sterling. The pound sterling is the third- largest

Слайд 5The National Anthem
The National Anthem of the UK was written by

Henry Carey in 1740.

God save our gracious Queen,
Long live our noble Queen
God save the Queen:
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious
Long to reign over us:
God save the Queen.

O Lord, our God, arise,
Scatter her enemies,
And make them fall.
Confound their politics,
Frustrate their knavish tricks,
On Thee our hopes we fix,
God save us all.

Thy choicest gifts in store,
On her be pleased to pour;
Long may she reign:
May she defend our laws,
And ever give us cause
To sing with heart and voice
God save the Queen.

The National AnthemThe National Anthem of the UK was written by Henry Carey in 1740.God save our

Слайд 6Population
The population of the UK is about 63.200.000 people, about 86%

of the population is British.
PopulationThe population of the UK is about 63.200.000 people, about 86% of the population is British.

Слайд 7 State and Politics of the UK
Prime Minister
The Prime Minister of

the UK is David Cameron.

State and Politics of the UKPrime MinisterThe Prime Minister of the UK is David Cameron.

Слайд 8 Queen
The queen of the UK is Elisabeth II.
She stands in

the head of the country more than 60 years.
QueenThe queen of the UK is Elisabeth II.She stands in the head of the country more

Слайд 9Parlament
The Parlament of GB and Nothern Ireland consists of 2

parts: The House of Lords and The House of Commons.
The head of the British parlament is prime minister.
Parlament The Parlament of GB and Nothern Ireland consists of 2 parts: The House of Lords and

Слайд 10Main political parties of the UK
The biggest party of the UK

is conservative party. It owns the majority of parts in Parlament. In addition to her there are Labour party and party of Liberal democrats.
Main political parties of the UKThe biggest party of the UK is conservative party. It owns the

Слайд 11Food & Drink
The most known and popular drink in England is

tea. English know lots of ways to drink it. Scotland is rather popular by their alcohol drink- whisky and national dish- Haggis –lamb offal cooked in sheep’s stomach. England also famous by ‘fish & chips’- branded fast- food of the UK.
Food & DrinkThe most known and popular drink in England is tea. English know lots of ways

Слайд 12Motor- Car Industry
England is one of the best producers of motor-

cars. To the British brands include Jaguar, Mini, Land Rover, Rover, Bentley, TVR.
Motor- Car IndustryEngland is one of the best producers of motor- cars. To the British brands include

Слайд 13Music
The most popular music group in UK was “The Beatles”. It’s

also rather popular in our days. They were alive symbol of the UK of 1960-s. Britain is also famous by groups as Deep Purple, The Queen, Hurts, Black Sabbath. Britain is home of music instruments, such as lute and bagpipe.
MusicThe most popular music group in UK was “The Beatles”. It’s also rather popular in our days.

Слайд 14Epilogue
So, Britain is one of the most beautiful unions in the

world. Beautiful ,charming landscapes…
EpilogueSo, Britain is one of the most beautiful unions in the world. Beautiful ,charming landscapes…

Слайд 15Mystic places,..
Full of mystery Stonehendge

or Loch Ness lake
Mystic places,..  Full of mystery Stonehendge

Слайд 16You can love or hate her, but it lives in everyone. Sometimes

obscure, sometimes obvious, she captivates her inner strength.

That’s all Britain’s soul.

You can love or hate her, but it lives in everyone. Sometimes obscure, sometimes obvious, she captivates

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