Презентация, доклад по английсскому языку на тему Home sweet, home,

Home, sweet home!

Слайд 1April, 21

April, 21Hello!

Слайд 2Home, sweet home!

Home, sweet home!

Слайд 3Let’s check your home task! Ex. 3 p.149

Let’s check your home task!  Ex. 3 p.149

Слайд 5My house is my castle.

There is no place like home.

East or

west, home is best.

My house is my castle.There is no place like home.East or west, home is best.

Слайд 6Which rooms from the box can you see in the photos?

Which rooms from the box can you see in the photos?

Слайд 7Match the places to the activities. Make up sentences

Match the places to the activities. Make up sentences

Слайд 8How many rooms are in your house? Describe them?

How many rooms are in your house?  Describe them?

Слайд 9Read the text.

Read the text.

Слайд 10Look at the pictures and answer the questions

Look at the pictures and answer the questions

Слайд 11Mark true or false.

Mark true or false.

Слайд 12Write the headings in the table. Then write two or three

more things by each heading.
Write the headings in the table.  Then write two or three more things by each heading.

Слайд 13 Let’s work in pairs. Ask questions to find out the things

about the house.
Let’s work in pairs.  Ask questions to find out the things about the house.

Слайд 14Home task: “My house”
“Bye Bye!”

Home task: “My house”“Bye Bye!”

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