Презентация, доклад на тему Тест по теме Степени сравнения прилагательных

1. It was ___ music I have ever heard.A) more beautiful  B) less beautiful C) the most beautiful  D) beautiful E) most beautiful

Слайд 1Степени сравнения прилагательных
10 вопросов

Степени сравнения прилагательных10 вопросов

Слайд 21. It was ___ music I have ever heard.
A) more beautiful  B) less

beautiful C) the most beautiful  D) beautiful E) most beautiful

1. It was ___ music I have ever heard.A) more beautiful  B) less beautiful C) the most beautiful 

Слайд 32. I have ___ time than he does.
A) bigger  B) larger  C) most D) less  E)


2. I have ___ time than he does.A) bigger  B) larger  C) most D) less  E) least

Слайд 43. Your English is much ___ now. You’ve made___ mistakes this time.
A) best

/ least  B) better / less  C) the best / less D) good / less  E) best / the least

3. Your English is much ___ now. You’ve made___ mistakes this time.A) best / least  B) better / less 

Слайд 54. Please, tell me something ___ than this old joke.
A) interesting  B) less

interesting C) more interesting  D) the most interesting E) the least interesting

4. Please, tell me something ___ than this old joke.A) interesting  B) less interesting C) more interesting  D)

Слайд 65. It is much ___ to speak English than to understand.
A) -  B)

the most difficult  C) more difficult D) difficult  E) most difficult

5. It is much ___ to speak English than to understand.A) -  B) the most difficult  C) more

Слайд 76. He is ___ among his classmates.
A) old  B) taller  C) the youngest D) short  E)


6. He is ___ among his classmates.A) old  B) taller  C) the youngest D) short  E) higher

Слайд 87. I make ___ mistakes now than last year.
A) few  B) fewer  C) - D)

the fewest  E) fewest

7. I make ___ mistakes now than last year.A) few  B) fewer  C) - D) the fewest  E)

Слайд 98. It is ___ and ___ to live here than there.
A) warm

/ most pleasant  B) warmer / pleasant C) warmest / pleasanter  D) warmer / more pleasant E) warm / more pleasant

8. It is ___ and ___ to live here than there.A) warm / most pleasant  B) warmer /

Слайд 109. Which is ___ country in the UK?
A) industrial  B) the most industrial C)

more industrial  D) most industrial E) industrial

9. Which is ___ country in the UK?A) industrial  B) the most industrial C) more industrial  D) most

Слайд 1110. The ___ you start, the ___ you’ll finish.
A) soon / more

quickly B) sooner / more quickly C) sooner / quickly D) soon / quickly E) more sooner / more quickly

10. The ___ you start, the ___ you’ll finish.A) soon / more quickly B) sooner / more quickly

Слайд 12Ответы

Ответы1-C, 2-D, 3-B, 4-C, 5-C, 6-C, 7-B, 8-D, 9-B, 10-B.

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