Презентация, доклад на тему Teenage Health 9 класс

.Where do teenagers get energy from?We get energy from complex carbohydrates like bread, potatoes, rice, pasta and breakfast cereals.

Слайд 1
«Teenage Health»


Слайд 2.
Where do teenagers get energy from?

We get energy from complex carbohydrates

like bread, potatoes, rice, pasta and breakfast cereals.

.Where do teenagers get energy from?We get energy from complex carbohydrates like bread, potatoes, rice, pasta and

Слайд 3Do teenagers need sugar to be healthy?
Sugar is not bad for

you. It is carbohydrate and so it gives you energy.
Do teenagers need sugar to be healthy?Sugar is not bad for you. It is carbohydrate and so

Слайд 4What is the most important for building teenagers body?

Protein helps

build your body.
Protein comes from meat, fish, cheese, milk and eggs.

What is the most important for building teenagers body? Protein helps build your body. Protein comes from

Слайд 5
Why should teenagers eat a lot of fruits and vegetables?


get most of our fiber and our vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables.

Why should teenagers eat a lot of fruits and vegetables?We get most of our fiber and

Слайд 6What does a balanced diet for teenagers look like?

What does a balanced diet for  teenagers look like?

Слайд 7Do teenagers need exercises?
Exercise strengthens the muscles of the body to

be effective against stress.
Do teenagers need exercises?Exercise strengthens the muscles of the body to be effective against stress.

Слайд 8What are the principles of a healthy way of life of

a teenagers?
The basic principles of a healthy lifestyle are not smoking, drugs and alcohol.
What are the principles of a healthy way of life of a teenagers?The basic principles of a

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