Презентация, доклад на тему Superstitions in Great Britain and Russia (Суеверия в Великобритании и России).

Similarities between Russian and English superstitions

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Similarities between Russian and English superstitions

Similarities between  Russian and English superstitions

Слайд 3Number 13
Friday is the unluckiest day for Christian countries like the

UK and Russia. This is because Christ was crucified on Friday, 13th.

Number 13 Friday is the unluckiest day for Christian countries like the UK and Russia. This is

Слайд 4Mirrors
It is noted that one way to avoid bad luck associated

with breaking a mirror is to take the broken pieces and bury them underground and under the moonlight.

Mirrors It is noted that one way to avoid bad luck associated with breaking a mirror is

Слайд 5Horseshoe


Слайд 6Lady bird
«Божья коровка, улети на небо, принеси мне хлеба, черного и

белого, только не горелого».

«Ladybird, fly to the sky, give me happy time»

Lady bird «Божья коровка, улети на небо, принеси мне хлеба, черного и белого, только не горелого». «Ladybird,

Слайд 7The differences between British and Russian omens and superstitions

The differences between British and Russian omens and superstitions

Слайд 8Black cat
Black cats are still considered to be bad luck throughout

most of Europe (including Russia).

In Great Britain, black cats are good signs.

Black cat Black cats are still considered to be bad luck throughout most of Europe (including Russia).In

Слайд 9Black raven
The group of ravens is one of the most famous

sights at the Tower of London.
Black raven The group of ravens is one of the most famous sights at the Tower of

Слайд 10King Charles II

King Charles II

Слайд 11a person, who does not fit in with the rest of

a group and is often considered to be a troublemaker or an embarrassment
a person, who does not fit in with the rest of a group and is often considered

Слайд 12Left hand itches

Left hand itches

Слайд 13Superstitions of students associated with the exam

Superstitions of students associated with the exam

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