Презентация, доклад на тему Разработка по теме : Natural Resources

The United States of America is a very diverse country

Слайд 1Natural Resources

Natural Resources

Слайд 2The United States of America is a very diverse country

The United States of America is a very diverse country

Слайд 3The nation's natural
advantages and resources

The nation's natural advantages and resources

Слайд 4The land usa is as varied

The land usa is as varied

Слайд 5Natural resources USA include coal, copper, lead, phosphates, gold, iron, nickel,

silver, zinc and natural gas
Natural resources USA include coal, copper, lead, phosphates, gold, iron, nickel, silver, zinc and natural gas

Слайд 6Natural hazards

Natural hazards

Слайд 7The USA is famous for hurricanes along the Atlantic and the

Gulf of Mexico coasts
The USA is famous for hurricanes along the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico coasts

Слайд 8The USA is famous tornadoes in the Midwest and southeast

The USA is famous tornadoes in the Midwest and southeast

Слайд 9The USA is famous mud slides in California

The USA is famous mud slides in California

Слайд 10The USA is famous forest fires in the west

The USA is famous forest fires in the west

Слайд 11The USA is famous flooding

The USA is famous flooding

Слайд 12Sometimes there are tsunamis, volcanoes and earthquakes happen

Sometimes there are tsunamis, volcanoes and earthquakes happen

Слайд 13Earthquakes are very often
in California

Earthquakes are very often in California

Слайд 14There are a lot of national parks
in the USA

There are a lot of national parks in the USA

Слайд 15Thank you for your attention!

Thank you  for your attention!

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