Презентация, доклад на тему Проектная работа (презентация) по теме School Uniform

We would like to work out school uniform. It must be fashion, comfortable, practical.

Слайд 17 ‘’A’’ Полякова Елена, Зотова Даниэлла Учитель: Кравченко М.А.
Perfect school uniform

7 ‘’A’’ Полякова Елена, Зотова Даниэлла Учитель: Кравченко М.А.Perfect school uniform

Слайд 2We would like to work out school uniform. It must be

fashion, comfortable, practical.
We would like to work out school uniform. It must be fashion, comfortable, practical.

Слайд 3Pupils will be alike. They will be organic whole. This will

be avoided them.
Pupils will be alike. They will be organic whole. This will be avoided them.

Слайд 4Children won’t have problem in deciding, what to put on in

the morning. And they will to save time.
Children won’t have problem in deciding, what to put on in the morning. And they will to

Слайд 5Children’s parents won’t worry and spend many money at school uniform.

Children’s parents won’t worry and spend many money at school uniform.

Слайд 6Uniform will consist of jeans, T-shirts, jackets. Shoes – different.

Uniform will consist of jeans, T-shirts, jackets. Shoes – different.

Слайд 7Girls can wear denim trousers and denim skirts. Unfortunately, boys only

denim trousers .
Girls can wear denim trousers and denim skirts. Unfortunately, boys only denim trousers   .

Слайд 8We divided Primary School, High School, Senior School. They will have

different colours.
We divided Primary School, High School, Senior School. They will have different colours.

Слайд 9Primary School will to wear yellow jackets

Primary School will to wear yellow jackets

Слайд 10High School will to wear purple jackets.

High School will to wear purple jackets.

Слайд 11And Senior School – blue.

And Senior School – blue.

Слайд 12The End

The End

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