Презентация, доклад на тему Проект по английскому языку Languages of the World

To have another language is to possess a second soul. Charlemagne Владеть

Слайд 1Languages of the World

Languages of the World

Слайд 2To have another language is to possess a second soul.

Charlemagne Владеть другим языком — это как иметь вторую душу. Карл Великий
To have another language is to possess a second soul.

Слайд 3The aim of my project is to tell children and adults

about different languages of the planet.
The aim of my project is to tell children and adults about different languages of the planet.

Слайд 4The tasks of my project are: 1) to

tell, how useful learning language for the people and where they can use this knowledge. 2) to motivate people to learn languages. 3) to enlarge pupils knowledge about this topic.
The tasks of my project are:     1) to tell, how useful learning language

Слайд 5Some statistics taken from Internet: 1) There are only 7 thousand languages

in the world. 2) The most popular languages for learning are English, German, French, Arabic and Chinese. 3) 65% of people in Russia can speak a second language. 4) The most popular language in the world is Chinese, it has 1,5 billion speakers.
Some statistics taken from Internet: 1) There are only 7 thousand languages in the world. 2) The

Слайд 6Reasons to learn languages:
a) Travelling abroad without guides and translators.
b) Watch

movies and read books in the original, because the translation of books and movies often changes their meaning.
c) Communication with new friends from other countries.
d) Learning culture, customs and traditions of different countries.

Reasons to learn languages: a) Travelling abroad without guides and translators.b) Watch movies and read books in

Слайд 7


This language is used in Belgium, Germany, Austria, etc. It is one of the six official languages of the UN. This language has more than 130 million speakers and is often used as a subject of language at school. To learn this language a person will need 600-740 class hours.

(140 million speakers)

German This language is used in

Слайд 8


(150 million speakers)

French is spoken in 53 countries, the main of which is France. About 150 million speakers in the world. French is the official language of many international organizations. To learn this language a person will need 575-600 class hours.

French (150 million speakers)French

Слайд 9


Russian is spoken in 17 countries. Russian is the official language of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, Ukraine, Latvia and Estonia. Russian is one of the six official languages of the UN, the most common language in Europe and the most common Slavic language in the world. To learn this language a person will need 740-850 class hours (If your national language is English or other language).

(260 million speakers)

RussianRussian is spoken in 17 countries.

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Arabic language is spoken in 58 countries around the world. Arabic is spoken in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt. Arabic language is distributed around the world also thanks to the main book of Muslims - the Koran. To learn this language person need 900-1000 class hours.

(280 million speakers)

ArabicArabic language is spoken in 58

Слайд 11 Spanish

is spoken in 31 countries. Spanish is the official language of international organizations: the UN, the European Union, the Union of South American Nations, etc. To learn this language a person will need 500-700 class hours.

(430 million speakers)

SpanishSpanish is spoken in 31 countries. Spanish

Слайд 12


Hindi is spoken in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan. It is one of the most difficult languages after Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and Korean. To learn this language a person will need 860-900 class hours.

(500 million speakers)

HindiHindi is spoken in India,

Слайд 13


English is the most famous language in the world. This is official language of 106 countries. In countries such as India, Ireland, New Zealand, Canada and the Philippines, English is used as the official. The main language is English in the UK. To learn this language a person will need 800-900 class hours.

(630 million speakers)

EnglishEnglish is the most famous language

Слайд 14
Chinese is the official language of Taiwan and

Singapore. It is spoken by more than 1,5 billion people all over the world and therefore ranks first in the list of the most popular languages of the world. Chinese is the most difficult language in the world. Chinese is one of the six official languages of the UN. To learn this language a person will need 1000-1200 class hours.


(1,5 billion speakers)

Chinese is the official language of Taiwan and Singapore. It is spoken by more

Слайд 15


People, who know many languages are called polyglots. We know the names of some of them: German professor Shlimman, famous writer Shakespeare, philosopher Socrates and many others.

Polyglots People,

Слайд 16Statistics of students studying languages in our region :

Statistics of students studying languages in our region :

Слайд 17Statistics of students studying languages at our school:

Statistics of students studying languages at our school:

Слайд 18


1) Do you like learn foreign language?
A) Yes – 65%
B) No – 35%
2) Do you learn languages after school?
A) Yes – 50%
B) No – 50%
3) Which language do you want to learn?
A) Chinese, Japanese – 40%
B) Spanish – 30%
C) English - 20%
D) French – 20%
E) German – 10%

Questionnaire 1) Do you like learn

Слайд 19 Conclusion

I think that to know foreign languages today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist. Let’s to learn foreign languages and discover with them many interesting things in our life!

Conclusion I think that to know foreign

Слайд 20Thanks for the attention!

Thanks for the attention!

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