Презентация, доклад на тему Проблемы подростков для 9 класса

Reаd and translate wordsteens to gamblemovement

Слайд 1 Theme: «Teenagers: Their Life and Problems».

Theme:  «Teenagers: Their Life and Problems».

Слайд 2Reаd and translate words

to gamble
movement to fall out with smb
value to fill isolated
smoke to worry for
drug to be allowed
alcohol to socialize
overweight to date with smb
reading for pleasure to surf the net

Reаd and translate wordsteens

Слайд 3Tell about your problems with parents
to let leave home after ten

make to go to bed at nine
should be situated in clubs, amusement arcades
to drink alcohol, smoke and drug
to worry for children
to gamble
to be allowed to watch this film
to feel isolated from parents
to read books for pleasure

Tell about your problems with parentsto let leave home after tento make to go to bed at

Слайд 4British teenagers
33% began drinking alcohol at the age of 13
One in

every four teens smokes
Every one in five teens is overweight
9% never read books
75% have own TV and watch it many hours a day
60% regularly surf the net
British teenagers33% began drinking alcohol at the age of 13One in every four teens smokesEvery one in

Слайд 5 VJv

Слайд 6Choose your right way
Find a hobby
Go in for sports, join a

sports club
Try to make new friends who don’t smoke
Ask your friends to help you
Read many books
Listen to your parents
Choose a healthy future
Choose a future profession
Choose your right wayFind a hobbyGo in for sports, join a sports clubTry to make new friends

Слайд 7Future Progressive
will be

He will be playing the piano.
might be ?
She might be playing the piano.
won’t be X
He won’t be playing the piano.
Future Progressive   will be

Слайд 8 «The person who helps others – helps himself».

«The person who helps others – helps himself».

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