Презентация, доклад на тему Призентация -самостоятельная работа по теме Tale time (Spotligt )

1. Write down three forms of these irregular verbsвыбиратьпадатьзапрещатьзамерзатьиметь делозабыватьпрощатьлетатьдутьначинать

Слайд 1Module 2
Tale time

Module 2 Tale time

Слайд 21. Write down three forms of these irregular verbs
иметь дело

1. Write down three forms of these irregular verbsвыбиратьпадатьзапрещатьзамерзатьиметь делозабыватьпрощатьлетатьдутьначинать

Слайд 32. Choose the correct variant:

1. There isn’t a cloud in

the sky, but it (be) cloudy yesterday.
• is • was • were

2. Mr. Wilson usually finishes his work at half past three, but he (finish) it later yesterday afternoon. • finish • finishes • finished

3. We usually have lunch at 12.30, but yesterday we (have) lunch later.
• had lunch • have lunched • had had lunch

4. The Browns live in a five-room apartment, but last year they (live) in a small house in the country. • were living • did live • lived

5. How you (cut) your finger?
• How have you cut • How you cutted • How did you cut

6. When you (write) to your parents last time?
• When do you writed • When did you write • When did you wrote

7. We (not/have) a holiday last year.
• didn’t have • haven’t had • haven’t had

2.  Choose the correct variant:1. There isn’t a cloud in the sky, but it (be) cloudy

Слайд 43.Use the cues([kjuːz]подсказка) to complete the sentences with “used to”.

she was young, she…….long hair. She has short hair now.
He plays football, but when he was at school he………football.
She is a hairdresser now. Five years ago she ……..a bus driver.
They live in New York now. Twenty years ago they …….. in Moscow.
I don’t watch TV anymore. Three years ago I…………TV for hours.

3.Use the cues([kjuːz]подсказка) to complete the sentences with “used to”.  When she was young, she…….long hair.

Слайд 5 4. Put the words in the correct order and translate


and / Alex/ to look / professor /around / decided.
went/ They/ to look/ a dangerous/for/journey/the/the/of/earth/center/on.
huge/ They/ elephants/ saw.
raft/ broke/ Their/ rocks/ against.
found/ a/ They/ old/ knife/ very.
in/ They/ were/ earth/ the/ center/ the/ of.

4. Put the words in the correct order and translate them.  and / Alex/ to

Слайд 65. Translate into English
Я люблю читать, особенно (especially) книги о детективах

и преступниках.
Что ты прочитал(а) на прошлой неделе?
Моя сестра не читает совсем. (at all)
Я раньше читал(а) сказки. (сейчас –нет)
5. Translate into EnglishЯ люблю читать, особенно (especially) книги о детективах и преступниках.Что ты прочитал(а) на прошлой

Слайд 76. Read the text and mark the statement true (T), False(F),

Not Stated (NS)
6. Read the text and mark the statement true (T), False(F), Not Stated (NS)

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