Презентация, доклад по теме Веганы

eganismVeganism is the most strict form of vegetarianism. It excludes the use animal origin products from the ration and everyday life, since they can not be obtained without exploitation and killing animals.The main reason for

Слайд 1Veganism: pros and cons.

Prepared by students gr. TP-141
Christina Baglikova
Anastasia Guseva G.

Veganism: pros and cons.Prepared by students gr. TP-141Christina BaglikovaAnastasia Guseva G.

Слайд 2 eganism
Veganism is the most strict form of vegetarianism. It excludes

the use animal origin products from the ration and everyday life, since they can not be obtained without exploitation and killing animals.

The main reason for veganism is ethical.

eganismVeganism is the most strict form of vegetarianism. It excludes the use animal origin products from

Слайд 3Vegan is a strict vegetarian, for ethical reasons excluding from his

diet all products of animal origin: meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products, seafood of animal origin, etc. Vegan does not use fur and animal skin, silk, opposes the killing of animals for the sake of experimentation and entertainment.
Vegan is a strict vegetarian, for ethical reasons excluding from his diet all products of animal origin:

Слайд 4In the rank of "star" vegetarians, among others, are listed:
Leonardo da


Henry Ford

Brad Pitt

Albert Einstein

Paul McCartney

In the rank of

Слайд 5History
A human was born as a vegan and is not a

predator. It is indicated by the physiology of the human body and teeth.

The vegan society was formed by Donald Watson ( the author of the term "veganism") in 1944 in the UK.

Donald Watson died in 2005 at 96 (!) maintaining efficiency and energy until the last days.

HistoryA human was born as a vegan and is not a predator. It is indicated by the

We should
clean water and/be side other fluids each day.

IFESTYLELWe should clean water and/be side other fluids each day.

Слайд 7Benefits:
Vegan diet reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

diet counteracts the development of cancer.

Vegan diet promotes strengthening of immunity, resistance to various infections, viruses.

Vegetarian food can reduce the intake of saturated fats and harmful cholesterol.

Benefits:Vegan diet reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.Vegan diet counteracts the development of cancer.Vegan

Слайд 8A research team of Oxford University made a report on the

health and mortality of vegetarians and meat-eaters. In contrast to meat-eaters vegetarians have a 39 per cent lower risk on dying from cancer. They also found that the risk of heart disease was 24 per cent lower in vegetarians and 57 per cent lower in vegans than in regular meat-eaters.
A research team of Oxford University made a report on the health and mortality of vegetarians and

Слайд 9Disadvantages
The body does not receive vitamin B12, which is contained only

in food of animal origin, dairy products, eggs.

Vegetable menu can not supply the human need for iron and calcium, as well as some amino acids.

Diseases of the musculoskeleton system, blood, digestive system may be caused by lack of nutrients of animal origin. The use of a large number of vegetable purine, can lead to the development of gout and joint diseases.

DisadvantagesThe body does not receive vitamin B12, which is contained only in food of animal origin, dairy

Слайд 10British scientists have found out that the IQ level of a

child can predict his choice to become a vegetarian.
The smarter is a child, the more likely that in the future he will avoid meat.


British scientists have found out that the IQ level of a child can predict his choice to

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