Презентация, доклад Загадка на английском. Японский корабль

Japanese ship

Слайд 1Can you solve this riddle?
к.п.н., ст. преподаватель
Першутин С.В.
НГПУ имени К.

Г. Н. Новгород
Can you solve this riddle?к.п.н., ст. преподаватель Першутин С.В.НГПУ имени К. МининаГ. Н. Новгород

Слайд 2Japanese ship

Japanese ship

Слайд 3The Captain

The Captain

Слайд 4put his very expensive watch on the table

put his very expensive watch on the table

Слайд 5and went to the bathroom

and went to the bathroom

Слайд 6When he came back there was no watch

When he came back there was no watch

Слайд 7Someone stole my watch!!!

Someone stole my watch!!!

Слайд 8The cook: «I was cooking lunch»

The cook: «I was cooking lunch»

Слайд 9The mechanic: «I was repairing the generator»

The mechanic: «I was repairing the generator»

Слайд 10The sailor: «I was fixing the flag because it was upside

The sailor: «I was fixing the flag because it was upside down»

Слайд 11The officer: «I was sleeping»

The officer: «I was sleeping»

Слайд 12Who did it? You have 2 minutes to solve the crime!

Who did it? You have 2 minutes to solve the crime!

Слайд 15Fixing the flag? Really?

Fixing the flag? Really?

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