Презентация, доклад Yaroslavl - Ярославль

Yaroslavl was founded at the beginning of the Xl century by Yaroslav of Wisdom. It was started at the place where the river Korostel flows into the Volga.In the XVll century the city grew into

Слайд 1Made by Zhuravkova V.A. – the English teacher of school №1



Made by Zhuravkova V.A. – the English teacher of school №1 v.Peschanokopskoe Yaroslavl

Слайд 3 Yaroslavl was founded at the beginning of the Xl century

by Yaroslav of Wisdom.
It was started at the place where the river Korostel flows into the Volga.
In the XVll century the city grew into the biggest trade centre at the Volga and became the second largest city after Moscow.
After the big fire in 1658 the construction of stone buildings began.
Yaroslavl was founded at the beginning of the Xl century by Yaroslav of Wisdom. It was

Слайд 4Rich merchants gave money for the construction. The building of a

church or a temple was a great advertisement for them.
A good example of it is the church of Ilya Prophet (Ильи Пророка) which was invested by merchant brothers Skripinykh: Anikij and Nifantij.
They were owners of the large fur trade. (пушной промысел)
Rich merchants gave money for the construction. The building of a church or a temple was a

Слайд 5Few people remember about their business nowadays, but everybody enjoys the

view of five green domes.
Few people remember about their business nowadays, but everybody enjoys the view of five green domes.

Слайд 7The oldest building of the city is cathedral of (Спасо-Преображенский собор

Спасского монастыря).It has been around since the Xll century. Its decoration is similar with the decoration of Arkhangelsky cathedral of the Kremlin in Moscow.
The cathedral is situated on a high pedestal which served as a grave of Yaroslavl’s princes.
Ancient books and manuscripts were kept there.
The oldest building of the city is cathedral of (Спасо-Преображенский собор Спасского монастыря).It has been around since

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