Презентация, доклад внеклассного мероприятия для 4 класса на тему: Увлекательное путешествие в мир английского языка

Railroad stations“Распевалкино”“Выбиралкино”“Различалкино”“Переменкино”“Звучалкино”“Создавалкино”“Окончалкино”

Слайд 1The amazing trip to the English world!

The amazing trip to the English world!

Слайд 2Railroad stations

Railroad stations“Распевалкино”“Выбиралкино”“Различалкино”“Переменкино”“Звучалкино”“Создавалкино”“Окончалкино”

Слайд 3Let’s go!

Let’s go!

Слайд 4Распевалкино


Слайд 5Well done! We add the railroad carriage to our train!

Well done! We add the railroad carriage to our train!

Слайд 6Выбиралкино
1. Mark and his friend was/were happy last Saturday.
2. The dog

was/were in the garden yesterday.
3. It was/were sunny last week.
4. Was/were he in London?
5. He and the girls was/were at school last Monday.
6. The film was/were scary.
7. Was/were you happy?
Выбиралкино1. Mark and his friend was/were happy last Saturday.2. The dog was/were in the garden yesterday.3. It

Слайд 7Выбиралкино
1. Mark and his friend were happy last Saturday.
2. The dog

was in the garden yesterday.
3. It was sunny last week.
4. Was he in London?
5. He and the girls were at school last Monday.
6. The film was scary.
7. Were you happy?
Выбиралкино1. Mark and his friend were happy last Saturday.2. The dog was in the garden yesterday.3. It

Слайд 8Well done! We add the railroad carriage to our train!

Well done! We add the railroad carriage to our train!

Слайд 9Различалкино


Слайд 101. Yesterday there were two children in the park.

Today there are three.
2. Yesterday there bird in the sky. Today there are four.
3. Yesterday there butterflies. Today there is one.
4. Yesterday there dog. Today there are two.
5. Yesterday there boats on the lake. Today there are three.

1. Yesterday there were two children in the park.      Today there are

Слайд 111. Yesterday there were two children in the park.

Today there are three.
2. Yesterday there was one bird in the sky. Today there are four.
3. Yesterday there were four butterflies. Today there is one.
4. Yesterday there was one dog. Today there are two.
5. Yesterday there were two boats on the lake. Today there are three.


1. Yesterday there were two children in the park.      Today there are

Слайд 12Well done! We add the railroad carriage to our train!

Well done! We add the railroad carriage to our train!

Слайд 13Переменкино


Слайд 14Переменкино


Слайд 15Well done! We add the railroad carriage to our train!

Well done! We add the railroad carriage to our train!

Слайд 16Звучалкино


Слайд 17Звучалкино


Слайд 18Звучалкино


Слайд 19Well done! We add the railroad carriage to our train!

Well done! We add the railroad carriage to our train!

Слайд 20Создавалкино


Слайд 21Создавалкино


Слайд 22Well done! We add the railroad carriage to our train!

Well done! We add the railroad carriage to our train!

Слайд 23Well done!!!

Well done!!!

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