Презентация, доклад Урок Путешествие в страну языкаурок в 5в классе.ppt

Welcome to our trip with English!

Слайд 1«Путешествие в страну языка» урок в 5в классе

«Путешествие в страну языка» урок в 5в классеWELCOME

Слайд 2Welcome to our trip with English!

Welcome to our trip with English!

Слайд 3

I. The first island is


I. The first island is        «Phonetics»

Слайд 4The new words


Christmas Tree
Santa Clause
Advent Wreath

The new wordsBellsCandlesCardsCookiesStockingsGifts ChristmasChristmas TreeSanta ClauseReindeersAdvent Wreath

Слайд 5II. The second island is «Lexical»
 Can you finish these lists of

Spring, summer, autumn, w… Grandmother, grandfather, mother, f… Baseball, football, basketball, t… September, October, November, D… Thursday, Friday, Saturday, S… Cheese, ice – cream, butter, m…

II. The second island is «Lexical» Can you finish these lists of words?  Spring, summer, autumn, w…

Слайд 6. III.The third island is «Storytelling»

.  III.The third island is «Storytelling»

Слайд 7 IV. The fourth island is «Conversation»

IV. The fourth island is «Conversation»

Слайд 8 Short Dialogues

Short Dialogues

Слайд 9V. The fifth island is «Grammar»   . Fill in the gaps with

am, is, are. 1. I……eleven. 2. You……from England. 3. He……kind. 4. She……nice. 5. It……long. 6. We……big. 7. They……Russians.
V. The fifth island is «Grammar»    . Fill in the gaps with am, is, are.

Слайд 10 IX. The sixth island is «Music»

IX. The sixth island is «Music»

Слайд 11WE are Dancing!!

WE are Dancing!!

Слайд 12VI. Relaxation

VI. Relaxation

Слайд 13Задание: На время одеть снеговика
(кто быстрее).

Задание: На время одеть снеговика (кто быстрее).

Слайд 14Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! On the 25-th of December people from England,

America, Italy, France, Germany and many other countries celebrate this holiday. Christmas is a day of Birth of Jesus Christ; People gather together with love, they give and receive presents. Christmas is rich in its traditions and symbols: waiting for miracles, making wishes, decorating the houses and Christmas Trees, presents from Santa Claus, lighting, the candles.
Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas! On the 25-th of December people from England, America, Italy, France, Germany and many

Слайд 15Задание: Прочесть ранее выученные стихи о Новом годе и Рождестве.

wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas;  We wish you a Merry Christmas;  We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 2раза Good tidings we bring to you and your kin;  We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 
Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year. 
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Good tidings to you where ever you are.  Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year!  We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

We Oh, bring us a figgy pudding;  We Oh, bring us a figgy pudding;  We Oh, bring us a figgy pudding and a cup of good cheer.  We won't go until we get some;  We won't go until we get some;  We won't go until we get some, so bring some out here.  From me and my little brouther,  From father and from my mother,  And uncle and all my cousins  Good tidings to you wherever you are.  Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Задание: Прочесть ранее выученные стихи о Новом годе и Рождестве. We wish you a Merry ChristmasWe wish

Слайд 16 Подведение урока
Now, children! Tell me, please! - What did we do

at our lesson? - Thank you for your work.  - Wave your hands who work fine or good. - Our trip is over. Thank you for your merry and interesting trip.
- На память о нашем путешествии вам в подарок маленькие островки (открыточки с поздравлениями к рождеству). - Good bye.
Подведение урока Now, children! Tell me, please! - What did we do at our lesson?

Слайд 17 Итог урока

Итог урока

Слайд 18Good-bye!


Слайд 19
Best Wishes for you!!

Best Wishes for you!!

Слайд 20 Подготовила и провела урок Кипкеева Р.А.

Подготовила и провела урок Кипкеева Р.А.2011г.

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