Презентация, доклад проекта по английскому языку Язык жестов.

Each of us had to study languages. We have been studying our native language and a foreign language, many people study programming languages. But there is another international, generally accessible and understandable language, which until recently

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Each of us had to study languages. We have been studying

our native language and a foreign language, many people study programming languages. But there is another international, generally accessible and understandable language, which until recently was not well known, it is the language of gestures, facial expressions and body movements of a person.
Each of us had to study languages. We have been studying our native language and a foreign

Слайд 3The main feature of the body language is that its manifestation

is caused by impulses of our subconscious, and the lack of the ability to forge these impulses allows us to trust this language more than the conventional, verbal channel.

The main feature of the body language is that its manifestation is caused by impulses of our

Слайд 4Charlie Chaplin and other actors of silent cinema were the first

non-verbal communication experts, for them this was the only way of communication on the screen.

Charlie Chaplin and other actors of silent cinema were the first non-verbal communication experts, for them this

Слайд 5The most common gestures and postures

The most common gestures and postures

Слайд 6Gesture "OKEY"
This gesture was popularized in America at the beginning

of the 19th century. The meaning of "OK" (all is alright) is well known in all English-speaking countries, as well as in Europe and Asia.

In some countries this gesture has a completely different origin and meaning. For example, in France it means "zero" or "nothing," and in Japan it means "money".


Слайд 7A big thumb up.
In America, England, Australia and New Zealand a

big thumb up has 3 meaning. It is usually used in "voting" on the road when you try to "catch" the passing car. The second meaning is "It's okay". But when the thumb is sharply lifted upwards, it becomes an offensive sign. In Greece, for example, this sign means "Shut up!".

A big thumb up. In America, England, Australia and New Zealand a big thumb up has 3

This gesture speaks about doubt and uncertainty

of the person and it says: "I'm not sure that I agree with you."

SCRATCHING OF THE NECK.  This gesture speaks about doubt and uncertainty of the person and it

Smacking the head usually means forgetfulness. A person doing

this gesture also expresses his feelings towards you or the situation, depending on where exactly you have a slap - the forehead or the neck.
FORGETFULNESS .  Smacking the head usually means forgetfulness. A person doing this gesture also expresses his

Слайд 10Relaxing tension during a communication.

Relaxing tension during a communication.

Слайд 11Estimating Sign

Estimating Sign

Слайд 12Sign of a lie

Sign of a lie

Слайд 13Sign of displeasure

Sign of displeasure

Слайд 14Sign of making decisions

Sign of making decisions

Слайд 16The project was made by the students of 11 b class

Komkova Anastasya
Dorosheva Anastasya
Aupov Artur
Strunina Anastasya
Polischuk Ekaterina
Pestova Snezhana
The photos and presentation are made by Polischuk Ekaterina
People in the photos: Komkova A., Kostikova K., Aupov A., Polischuk E., Ryzhenko P.
The teacher in charge – Tatyana Fedorovna Korchemkina

The project was made by the students of 11 b classKostikova KsenyaKomkova AnastasyaDorosheva AnastasyaAupov ArturStrunina AnastasyaPolischuk EkaterinaPestova

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