Презентация, доклад Present Simple and Present Continuous

Вставь форму to beI ….. watching a very good film.You … playing games on computer.Susan … dancing to beautiful music.We … eating lunch.My friend … riding a bike now.

Слайд 1Present Simple
Present Continuous

Present SimplePresent Continuous

Слайд 2Вставь форму to be
I ….. watching a very good film.
You …

playing games on computer.
Susan … dancing to beautiful music.
We … eating lunch.
My friend … riding a bike now.

Вставь форму to beI ….. watching a very good film.You …  playing games on computer.Susan …

Слайд 3факт
am, is, are+ Ving
at the moment

фактпроцессV/Vsam, is, are+ Vingnowat the momentalways, neverusually, often,seldom,

Слайд 5Исправь ошибки
Peter is watch TV at the moment.
John goes to the

bank now.
Alice is runing now.
Sue is usually reading.
Исправь ошибкиPeter is watch TV at the moment.John goes to the bank now.Alice is runing now.Sue is

Слайд 6Is he…?

Is she…? Are they…?
Is it…?

Guess what the people are doing.

Is he…?          Is she…?

Слайд 7 They are reading a book

Are they reading

a book?

They are not reading a book

They are reading a book  Are they reading a book?  They are not

Слайд 8Thank you!

Thank you!www.themegallery.com

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