Презентация, доклад по теме Water pollution 9 класс

There are some ecological problems, which can worsen life on the Earth.For example water and air pollutions and cut down forests. Scientists and ecologists are worry about it.I want to tell you about water polution.

Слайд 1Water pollution
Podgramskii Ivan

Water pollutionPodgramskii Ivan

Слайд 2
There are some ecological problems, which can worsen life on the

For example water and air pollutions and cut down forests. Scientists and ecologists are worry about it.
I want to tell you about water polution.
There are some ecological problems, which can worsen life on the Earth.For example water and air pollutions

Слайд 3Water is necessary for life on the Earth. But people pollute

it. Therefore so many bodies of water, wich non drinkable. Reason for that factory’s wastes. Its get to the water and pollute it.
Water is necessary for life on the Earth. But people pollute it. Therefore so many bodies of

Слайд 4Kind of water pollution
Polute by heavy metals
Polute by radioactive substance
Polute by

sewage runoff

Kind of water pollutionPolute by heavy metalsPolute by radioactive substancePolute by sewage runoff

Слайд 5Polute by heavy metals
Different substance get on water in the course

of activity of the large plants. This substance can consist of heavy metal. If this water get into a men or animals, they can die. Sourses of pollution are known. There are first of all the metallurgical enterprises and automobile plants.
Polute by heavy metalsDifferent substance get on water in the course of activity of the large plants.

Слайд 6Polute by radioactive substance
Development of the nuclear industry has done harm

to all, who live on the planet including bodies of water.
Sourse of pollution by radioactive substance: the rainfall which is dropping out in areas where nuclear tests hold and ships which work witn nuclear reactors (at accident).
Polute by radioactive substanceDevelopment of the nuclear industry has done harm to all, who live on the

Слайд 7Resolution ways of water polution
Water cleaning is one of the

ways to resolution of this problem. Owners of the enterprises have to attend to installation of qualitative treatment facilities.
Resolution ways of water polution Water cleaning is one of the ways to resolution of this problem.

Слайд 8Questions
What kinds of water pollution do you know?
What are the reasons

of water pollution by heavy metal?
What are the sources of water pollution?
QuestionsWhat kinds of water pollution do you know?What are the reasons of water pollution by heavy metal?What

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