Презентация, доклад по теме Своя игра

1. What is the traditional food for X-mas in Great Britain?

Слайд 1«Your game»

«Your game»

Слайд 31. What is the traditional food for X-mas in Great Britain?

1. What is the traditional food for  X-mas in Great Britain?

Слайд 4Christmas turkey

Christmas turkey

Слайд 52. What is the traditional drink of Great Britain? (every day, at

5 o’clock)
2. What is the traditional drink of Great Britain? (every day, at 5 o’clock)

Слайд 6A cup of tea

A cup of tea

Слайд 73. Whose portrait can you see on British banknotes?

3. Whose portrait can you see on British banknotes?

Слайд 8The Queen Elizabeth II

The Queen Elizabeth II

Слайд 94. What can you buy in the dairy shop?

4. What can you buy in the dairy shop?

Слайд 10Milk products

Milk products

Слайд 111. What color are telephone boxes in Great Britain?

1. What color are telephone boxes in Great Britain?

Слайд 132. Who is this?

2. Who is this?

Слайд 14the Queen Elizabeth II

the Queen Elizabeth II

Слайд 153. What is the main river of Great Britain?

3. What is the main river of Great Britain?

Слайд 16The Thames (Темза)

The Thames (Темза)

Слайд 174. What divides Great Britain from the continent?

4. What divides Great Britain from the continent?

Слайд 18 the English Channel

the English Channel

Слайд 19 1. Who was their stepsister?

1. Who was their stepsister?

Слайд 20Snow White

Snow White

Слайд 212. What is Humpty Dumpty?

2. What is Humpty Dumpty?

Слайд 233.Whom did Belladonna look for ?

3.Whom did Belladonna look for ?

Слайд 254. Who wrote “Winnie-the-Pooh”?

4. Who wrote “Winnie-the-Pooh”?

Слайд 26Alan Alexander Milne

Alan Alexander Milne

Слайд 271. What parts has the United Kingdom of Great Britain and

Northern Ireland?
1. What parts has the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?

Слайд 28England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales

England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales

Слайд 292. Where is the Statue of Liberty situated?

2. Where is the Statue of Liberty situated?

Слайд 30In the USA, in New York

In the USA,  in New York

Слайд 31 Washington Ottawa Wellington Canberra  London 
3. Match the country and its capital



The United Kingdom


Washington    Ottawa   Wellington  Canberra   London 

Слайд 321. Canada Ottawa
2. The USA Washington
4.Australia Canberra
3. New Zealand Wellington
5.The United Kingdom London 

1. Canada Ottawa 2. The USA Washington 4.Australia Canberra3. New Zealand Wellington5.The United Kingdom London 

Слайд 334. Match the country and its flag (the USA, New Zealand, Canada,

Great Britain, Australia)
4. Match the country and its flag (the USA, New Zealand, Canada, Great Britain, Australia)

Слайд 34the USA, New Zealand, Canada, Great Britain, Australia

the USA, New Zealand, Canada, Great Britain, Australia

Слайд 35The end

The end

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