Презентация, доклад по теме Физические свойства металлов

The uses of metals are based upon their physical or chemical properties.Metals vary in density, hardness, heat and electrical conductivity and weight.The lightest is lithium and the heaviest is osmium.



Слайд 2The uses of metals are based upon their physical or chemical


Metals vary in density, hardness, heat and electrical conductivity and weight.

The lightest is lithium and the heaviest is osmium.

The uses of metals are based upon their physical or chemical properties.Metals vary in density, hardness, heat

Слайд 3
The hardness of metals depends upon the presence of other substances

in them and the nature of metals itself.

Metals are the nest conductors of heat and electricity.

The most widely used metals are: iron, copper, zinc, tin, lead, mercury, silver and gold.

The hardness of metals depends upon the presence of other substances in them and the nature of

Слайд 4The most important metal is iron.

Nowadays, aluminium, magnesium and sodium have

become common due to the development of electrochemical processes of their production.
The most important metal is iron.Nowadays, aluminium, magnesium and sodium have become common due to the development

Слайд 5Nowadays, aluminium, magnesium and sodium have become common due to the

development of electrochemical processes of their production.

Metals occur most commonly as oxides of sulphides in ores.
Nowadays, aluminium, magnesium and sodium have become common due to the development of electrochemical processes of their

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