Презентация, доклад по теме “Fascination and Challenge: The World of Science and Technology”: пылесосы

A carpet sweeper was invented by Daniel Hess in 1860 When vacuum cleaners were first invented they did not resemble the vacuum cleaners of today. 

Слайд 1The invention of a vacuum cleaner
Луценко Наталья Евгеньевна

г. Владимир
The invention of a vacuum cleanerЛуценко Наталья ЕвгеньевнаМБОУ СОШ № 10 г. Владимир2013

Слайд 2A carpet sweeper was invented by Daniel Hess in 1860

vacuum cleaners were first invented they did not resemble the vacuum cleaners of today. 
A carpet sweeper was invented by Daniel Hess in 1860 When vacuum cleaners were first invented they

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Another early model (1869) was the "Whirlwind", invented in Chicago in

1868 by Ives W. McGaffey

The machine was difficult to use, because it was operated by a hand crank while being moved across the floor.
Another early model (1869) was the

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This one was invented by the British engineer called Herbert

Booth in 1901. It was simply a box on wheels, and worked on gasoline. This vacuum cleaner roared very loudly. These first vacuum cleaners were large and heavy and were usually transported from house to house by horse

Long bendable hoses were put through the doors and windows of a house and dust was sucked into the gas powered unit outside.

Booth was the first to use the term “vacuum cleaner.”

The Puffing Billy

This one was invented by the British engineer called Herbert Booth in 1901. It was simply

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The First Portable Vacuums 1906 

.The First Portable Vacuums 1906 

Слайд 6
By 1907, James Spangler had perfected a smaller vacuum cleaner for

residential use. He invented the first motorized, portable vacuum cleaner.

This invention was accepted with pleasure by practical Americans.

By 1907, James Spangler had perfected a smaller vacuum cleaner for residential use. He invented the first

Слайд 7 Around 1920 William Hoover purchased the patent for this

first vacuum cleaner from James Spangler and the Hoover Vacuum Cleaner Company that we know today was born. 
Around 1920 William Hoover purchased the patent for this first vacuum cleaner from James Spangler

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The Swedish company ElectroluxThe Swedish company Electrolux launched the Model V

in 1921 that was designed to lie on the floor on two thin metal runners. This innovation, conceived by Electrolux founder Axel Wenner-Gren, became a standard feature on generations of future vacuum cleaners. There is a recorded example of a 1930s Electrolux vacuum cleaner surviving in use for over 70 years, finally breaking in 2008.

The Swedish company ElectroluxThe Swedish company Electrolux launched the Model V in 1921 that was designed to

Слайд 9
As a result of all modifications a vacuum cleaner has become

a small household appliance. Now modern vacuum cleaners are virtually silent and are capable of much.
As a result of all modifications a vacuum cleaner has become a small household appliance. Now modern

Слайд 10Read more on:

Read more on:http://ubr.ua/history/0608/2454http://irvispress.ru/catalog/malaja-bytovaja-tehnika/pylesosy/ot-shvabry-do-pylesosa-robota/http://inventors.about.com/od/uvstartinventions/a/Vacuum-Cleaners.htmhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum_cleaner

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