Презентация, доклад по теме After Rain Comes Fine WeatherУчебник М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева Enjoy English 8 класс.

rainystormysnowycloudysunnycloudy and sunnywindy Spain, Russia, the Netherlands, Poland, Hungary, England, The Czech Republic, Italy, France, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Belgium, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Belarus, Switzerland, Portugal, Denmark, Germany, Austria,

Слайд 1UNIT 1 It’s a Wonderful Planet We Live on

After Rain Comes Fine Weather
UNIT 1  It’s a Wonderful Planet We Live on Section 1 After Rain Comes Fine Weather

Слайд 2rainy
cloudy and sunny
Spain, Russia, the Netherlands, Poland, Hungary, England,

The Czech Republic, Italy, France, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Belgium, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Belarus, Switzerland, Portugal, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Ireland, the UK, Greece
rainystormysnowycloudysunnycloudy and sunnywindy  Spain, Russia, the Netherlands, Poland, Hungary, England,

Слайд 3It’s … in autumn in
the northern parts of Russia

the southern parts of Russia
the central part of Russia
the place where you live

cloudy and sunny
icy and snowy
cloudy but dry
hot and stormy
cool and cloudy
hot and humid
snowy and sunny

sunny and icy
windy and snowy
stormy and windy
cold and wet
cool and sunny
warm and wet
cool and humid

It’s … in autumn in winterspringsummer the northern parts of Russia the southern parts of Russia the

Слайд 4Make up a dialogue.
Example : - It’s a lovely day, isn’t

- Yes, wonderful, isn’t it?

Good weather

Bad weather

(Write it down in your copybooks)

Make up a dialogue.Example : - It’s a lovely day, isn’t it?

Слайд 5
When the weather is wet
We must not fret,-
When the weather is

We must not scold.
When the weather is warm
We must not storm,-
But be thankful together
Whatever the weather.

scold – ворчать
storm - кричать

fret – беспокоиться, волноваться

When the weather is wetWe must not fret,-When the weather is coldWe must not scold.When the weather

Слайд 6It’s
It’s sunny today.
It’s winter.
It’s eight o’clock.
It’s late.
It’s morning.
It’s interesting.
It’s boring.
It’s time

to finish your work.
It’s time to go home.

It’sIt’s sunny today.It’s winter.It’s eight o’clock.It’s late.It’s morning.It’s interesting.It’s boring.It’s time to finish your work.It’s time to

Слайд 7 - It’s a lovely day!
- Yes, isn’t it? so

nice and there is no wind. What shall we do?
- Let’s go skiing.
- Oh, no. I think it’s too cold to go skiing today. Look, it’s minus 15.
- Yes, you are right. We could go to the cinema then.
- Sure. Come on.

- Betty, what’s the weather like today?
- It’s the lovely morning. It’s warm and sunny.
- What shall we do?
- Well, we could go to the beach.
- Good idea! I’ll be ready in a minute.

- It’s a lovely day! - Yes, isn’t it? so nice and there is no wind.

Слайд 8
learn the poem by heart
Home task

learn the poem by heart Home task

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