Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Животные России

The polar bear is a very unpredictable animal. It attacks mostly with the sense of danger, but at some point it will see the danger it is in man is unknown. These species of bears live

Слайд 1

Слайд 2The polar bear is a very unpredictable animal. It attacks mostly

with the sense of danger, but at some point it will see the danger it is in man is unknown. These species of bears live in the Chukotka region, on the coasts of the Chukchi sea and the Kara sea.

Polar bear

The polar bear is a very unpredictable animal. It attacks mostly with the sense of danger, but

Слайд 3A particular danger the brown bear is when you have just

awakened from hibernation, but the greater danger he represents, if hibernate not to lay down.

Brown bear

A particular danger the brown bear is when you have just awakened from hibernation, but the greater

Слайд 4The wolf is the most dangerous, if infected with rabies. In

other cases, the animal is trying to by pass the human side.
However, there are cases when wolves attack in packs on people and their settlements. This behavior may provoke a lack of sufficient resources for sustenance.


The wolf is the most dangerous, if infected with rabies. In other cases, the animal is trying

Слайд 5Lynx is of course to the family cat. it is very

beautiful, stands a graceful gait and unusual color. It seems just a big cat with which I would like to play, but these games, like games with death.
Lynx alone is not seeking a meeting with the person. Its habitat is forest area.


Lynx is of course to the family cat. it is very beautiful, stands a graceful gait and

Слайд 6On the territory of Russia is found in a huge number

of snakes. Among them are the poisonous species, and harmless snakes. The deadliest of the snakes on the territory of Russia is considered to be Viper. It has a specific vision and almost not able to distinguish the form and shape of objects.


On the territory of Russia is found in a huge number of snakes. Among them are the

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