Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Заповедники Республики Коми

FactThe reserve was founded in 1930. Located in the Northern Urals.The reserve has pine forests and swamps, dark coniferous forests, meadows and mountain tundra. 

Слайд 1Печоро-Илычский заповедник.
Над проектом работали ученики 7-з класса Афанасьева Анна, Попова Лиза, Матвеев

Максим, Корычев Алексей, Лотц Анна, Чех Ирина, Василиогло Владислав, Пилипенко Алексей.
Печоро-Илычский заповедник.Над проектом работали ученики  7-з класса Афанасьева Анна, Попова Лиза, Матвеев Максим, Корычев Алексей, Лотц

Слайд 2Fact
The reserve was founded in 1930.
Located in the Northern Urals.

reserve has pine forests and swamps, dark coniferous forests, meadows and mountain tundra. 
FactThe reserve was founded in 1930. Located in the Northern Urals.The reserve has pine forests and swamps,

Слайд 3Many trees: Siberian larch, cedar, many deciduous trees. there are berries:

cranberries, blueberries, cloudberries, grows black and red currants, raspberries, rose hips. 


Many trees: Siberian larch, cedar, many deciduous trees. there are berries: cranberries, blueberries, cloudberries, grows black and

Слайд 4Animals: lizards, salamanders, frogs, squirrels, hares, beavers, bears, martens, weasels, wolverines,

weasels, elk. many species of birds - grouse, partridges, geese. in winter you can meet - crossbill, titmice, woodpeckers. species's fish salmon, trout, grayling.


Animals: lizards, salamanders, frogs, squirrels, hares, beavers, bears, martens, weasels, wolverines, weasels, elk. many species of birds

Слайд 5The first aim of national parks is to protect the countryside

; the second aim is to let people enjoy the countryside, enjoy trees, flovers, animals and birds.
The first aim of national parks is to protect the countryside ; the second aim is to



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