Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Замки Великобритании

Milihide Castle

Слайд 1The United Kingdom

The United Kingdom

Слайд 2Milihide Castle

Milihide Castle

Слайд 4Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle

Слайд 7Tower of London

Tower of London

Слайд 12Conwy Castle

Conwy Castle

Слайд 15The United Kingdom (the UK)
Country: The UK includes England, Scotland, Wales

and Nothern Ireland.
Capital: London is the capital city of the UK but also the capital city of England.
Cardiff is the capital city of Wales.
Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland.
Belfast is the capital city of Nothern Ireland.
Flag: The Union Jack includes the flags of England and Scotland as well as the old Flag of Ireland.
The United Kingdom (the UK)Country: The UK includes England, Scotland, Wales and Nothern Ireland.Capital: London is the

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