Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Япония

History of JapanThe history of Japan is not counted from a specific date. The settlement of the territories began about 40 thousand years ago, although, of course, there was no question of any state then. The

Слайд 1Japan


Слайд 2History of Japan
The history of Japan is not counted from a

specific date. The settlement of the territories began about 40 thousand years ago, although, of course, there was no question of any state then. The ancient Japanese lived in small communities of 20-30 people, engaged in hunting, fishing and gathering. Approximately three centuries BC, rice and blacksmithing technologies were brought from Korea and China to the islands. Farming meant a sedentary lifestyle, and the cultivation of rice, which required constant watering, led to the fact that communities began to move to river valleys. It was with the advent of agriculture that the tribal unions began to unite in the likeness of small states.
History of JapanThe history of Japan is not counted from a specific date. The settlement of the

Слайд 3The history of Japan is divided into such periods as:

The first

epoch is the Paleolithic period, with a time interval of 40 - 13 thousand years BC.
The era of Jomon falls on the period from 13 thousand years BC to the 3rd century BC. The era of Jomon sounds like the era of rope ornament and got its name from the traces of ornaments on clay products of that time.
Epoch of Yayoi - III century BC - III century of our era. The epoch is named after a settlement located near today's Tokyo. As a result of the excavations at Yayoi, ceramic products were found which were different from the Jomon era, indicating that a new culture, possibly continental, was coming to Japan.
The Yamato Era falls on the 3rd century AD. - 710 g. - the era is named for public education.
The Era of Nara - 710-794gg. - The first capital of the Japanese state.
Heian Epoch - 794-1185gg. The era begins with the transfer of the capital to Kyoto (formerly Heian-kyo) and the motto of the era was - peace, tranquility.
The history of Japan is divided into such periods as:The first epoch is the Paleolithic period, with

Слайд 4The epoch of Kamakura lasted from 1185 on 1333g. and was

named after the city, which became the center of the first shogunate in Japan.
The era of Muramati falls on the period from 1333g. to 1600g. In 1336, the shogun's headquarters was moved to Kyoto on Muromachi Street, hence the name of the era.
The era of Edo began in 1600g. and ended in 1868. Edo is the early name of the city of Tokyo, in this city was founded the Tokugawa Shogunate.
Meiji Epoch, period from 1868 until 1912, the meaning is enlightened rule.
The Taisho era lasted from 1912 till 1926, the motto is great justice.
The era of Showa, since 1926. till 1989 - the enlightened world.
Heisei epoch lasts from 1989 to the present, today's Japan lives with the motto - peace.
The epoch of Kamakura lasted from 1185 on 1333g. and was named after the city, which became

The official name is Japan. Located on the

eastern edge of the Asian continent. The area is 377,668 km2, the population is 127 million people. (2002). The state language is Japanese. The capital is Tokyo (8.1 million people, 2002). In ya 13 public holidays; the most important of them are the Constitution Day on May 3 (since 1947), the Emperor's Birthday on December 23 (since 1989), the Day of the Foundation of the State on February 11 (from 1966). The currency is the yen.
GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT JAPAN The official name is Japan. Located on the eastern edge of the Asian

Слайд 6Climate
Due to the fact that Japan is strongly extended from sevre

to the south, on its territory one can observe significant differences in climate.
In general, the climate of the Land of the Rising Sun is maritime and humid. Snow is a weather phenomenon inherent in the entire territory of the country, but in the south it lasts only about a week, and in the north - just over 95 days.
In the lowlands of Shikoku, Kyushu and Honshu to the Kanto plain, the climate is subtropical, in winter the temperature reaches + 4 ° C. In these places, the summer season is preceded by a rainy season, which begins in mid-May and ends in June.
The north of Honshu Island and the entire island of Hokkaido are areas with a sharper climate. Summer is rather short here, and winter is cold - the average temperature is 8 ° С. The mountain climate in this area is generally most similar to the subarctic. The climate of the rest of the country depends on the topography of the area.
Climate Due to the fact that Japan is strongly extended from sevre to the south, on its

Слайд 7The geographical position of Japan
State total area of ​​377.4 thousand square

meters. km, located in East Asia, located on 4 major islands (Kyushu, Shikoku, Honshu and Hokkaido), the Ryukyu Islands and more than 4 thousand small islands. In the north it is washed by the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, in the east by the Pacific Ocean, in the south by the Pacific Ocean and the East China Sea, in the west by the Korea Strait and the Sea of ​​Japan.
The relief of the country is predominantly mountainous, rather strongly dissected. There are numerous active and extinct volcanoes, including the highest point of Japan - the volcano Fuji (3776 m). The coastline is cut by numerous bays and bays. Earthquakes are frequent.
The geographical position of Japan  State total area of ​​377.4 thousand square meters. km, located in East

Слайд 8The economic and geographical position of Japan is determined primarily by

the fact that it is located in the center of the Asia-Pacific region, and this contributes to the country's active participation in the international geographical division of labor.
On the territory of present-day Japan, the most ancient human traces found are from the period of the peleolith. In the III - IV centuries BC Proto-Japanese tribes came from southeastern China. In the 5th century BC, the Japanese borrowed hieroglyphic writing, in the 6th century they adopted Buddhism.
In the feudal period, Japan was isolated from other countries. After the unfinished bourgeois revolution of 1867–68, it embarked on the path of rapid capitalist development. At the turn of the XIX - XX centuries, entered the number of imperialist powers. In the 20th century, Japan entered in three major wars (Russian-Japanese and two world wars). After the end of World War II, the armed forces were dissolved, reforms were carried out. In 1947, the emperor lost power (according to the constitution) now Japan is a constitutional monarchy. The highest state body and the only legislative body is the parliament.
The economic and geographical position of Japan is determined primarily by the fact that it is located

Слайд 9Natural conditions and resources

The geological basis of the archipelago is underwater

mountain ranges. About 80% of the territory is occupied by mountains and hills with a strongly dissected relief of an average height of 1600–1700 m. There are about 200 volcanoes, 90 are active, including the highest peak, Fudi Volcano (3,776 m.) earthquake and tsunami.

The country is poor in mineral resources, but coal, lead and zinc ores, oil, sulfur, and limestone are being mined. The resources of its own deposits are small, so Japan is the largest importer of raw materials.

Despite the small area, the length of the country in the meridional direction led to the existence of a unique complex of natural conditions on its territory: the island of Hokkaido and north of Honshu are located in a temperate maritime climate zone, the rest of Honshu, the islands of Shikoku and Yusyu are humid subtropical, and the island of Ryukyu is tropical climate. Japan is in a zone of vigorous activity of monsoons. The average annual precipitation ranges from 2-4 thousand mm.

The soils of Japan are mostly weakly podzolic and peaty, as well as brown forest and red soils. Approximately 2/3 of the territory, mainly mountainous areas, is covered with forests (more than half of the forests are artificial plantations). Coniferous forests dominate in northern Hokkaido, in the central Honshu and southern Hokkaido - mixed, and in the south - subtropical monsoon forests.
Natural conditions and resourcesThe geological basis of the archipelago is underwater mountain ranges. About 80% of the

Слайд 10In Japan, there are many rivers that are full-flowing, fast and

full of rapids, unsuitable for navigation, but being a source for hydropower and irrigation.
The abundance of rivers. lakes and groundwater have a beneficial effect on the development of industry and agriculture.
In the post-war period, environmental problems on the Japanese islands became aggravated. The adoption and implementation of a number of laws on environmental protection reduces its pollution.
In Japan, there are many rivers that are full-flowing, fast and full of rapids, unsuitable for navigation,

Слайд 11Population

Japan is among the top ten countries in the world in

terms of population. Japan became the first Asian country, which passed from the second to the first type of population reproduction. Now the birth rate is 12 ppm, mortality is 8 ppm. Life expectancy in the country is the highest in the world (76 years for men and 82 years for women).
The population is nationally homogeneous, about 99% are Japanese. Of the other nationalities, the number of Koreans and Chinese is significant. The most common religions are Shinto and Buddhism. The population is unevenly spaced. Average density - 330 people. on 1 square. m. but the coastal areas of the Pacific Ocean are among the most densely populated in the world.
About 80% of residents live in cities. 11 cities are millionaires. The largest urban agglomerations Keykhin, Hansin and Tuku merge into Tokyo metropolis (Takaido) with a population of more than 60 million people.
Population Japan is among the top ten countries in the world in terms of population. Japan became

Слайд 12Household
The growth rate of the Japanese economy was among the highest

in the second half of the 20th century. The country has largely implemented a qualitative restructuring of the economy. Japan is in the postindustrial stage of development, which is characterized by a highly developed industry, but the non-manufacturing sector (services, finance,) is the most growing area.
Although Japan is poor in natural resources and imports raw materials for most industries, in output of products of many industries it takes 1-2 place in the world. The industry is mainly concentrated within the Pacific industrial belt.
Electricity. Mainly uses imported raw materials. Oil is leading in the structure of the raw material base, the share of natural gas, hydropower and nuclear power is growing, the share of coal is decreasing.
In the electric power industry, 60% of the power comes from thermal power plants and 28% from nuclear power plants, including Fukushima, the most powerful in the world.
Hydroelectric power stations are located in cascades on mountain rivers. In terms of hydropower generation, Japan ranks V in the world. In Japan, a resource-poor, are actively developing alternative sources of energy.

Household The growth rate of the Japanese economy was among the highest in the second half of

Слайд 13Non-ferrous metallurgy. As a result of the harmful effects on the

environment, primary smelting of non-ferrous metals is reduced. Piping water is located in all large industrial centers.
Mechanical engineering gives 40% of industrial production. The main sub-sectors among the many developed in Japan are electronics and electrical engineering, radio industry and transport engineering.
Japan firmly occupies the 1st place in the world in shipbuilding, specializes in the construction of large-capacity tankers and dry cargo ships. The main centers of shipbuilding and ship repair are located in the largest ports (Yokohama, Nagasaki, Kobe).
In the production of cars (13 million units per year), Japan also ranks 1st in the world. The main centers are Toyota, Yokohama, Hiroshima.
The main enterprises of general engineering are within the Pacific industrial belt - complex machine-tool construction and industrial robots in Tokyo district, metal-intensive equipment in Osaka, machine-tool construction in Nagoya district.
The share of the country in the global release of the electronic and electrical industries is extremely high.
In terms of the development of the chemical industry, Japan occupies one of the first places in the world.
The pulp and paper, light and food industries are also developed in Japan.
Non-ferrous metallurgy. As a result of the harmful effects on the environment, primary smelting of non-ferrous metals

Слайд 14Japan's agriculture remains an important industry, although it accounts for about

2% of GNP; the industry employs 6.5% of the EAN. Agricultural production is focused on food production (the country itself provides 70% of its needs for it).

13% of the territory is cultivated, and the crop production structure round (gives 70% of agricultural production), the leading role is played by the cultivation of rice and vegetables, and horticulture is developed. Livestock breeding is intensively developing (cattle breeding, pig breeding, poultry farming).

In connection with the exceptional place of fish and seafood in the diet of the Japanese, the country conducts fishing in all areas of the oceans, has more than three thousand fishing ports and has the largest fishing fleet (over 400 thousand ships).
Japan's agriculture remains an important industry, although it accounts for about 2% of GNP; the industry employs

Слайд 15Transport

In Japan, all types of transport are developed with the exception

of river and pipeline. In terms of freight, first place belongs to road transport (60%), second place to sea. The role of railway transport is declining, and air traffic is growing. Due to the very active foreign economic relations, Japan has the largest merchant fleet in the world.
The territorial structure of the economy is characterized by a combination of two completely different parts: the Pacific Belt, which is the socio-economic core of the country (here are the main industrial areas, ports, highways and developed agriculture) and the peripheral zone, including areas where logging is most developed, livestock, mining, hydropower, tourism and recreation. Despite the regional policy, the smoothing of territorial disproportions is still slow.
Japan's external economic relations
Japan actively participates in MGRT, foreign trade takes the leading place, capital export, production, scientific, technical and other ties are also developed.
Japan’s share in world imports is about 1/10. Imported mainly raw materials and fuel.
The country's share in world exports is also more than 1/10. Industrial products account for 98% of exports.
Transport In Japan, all types of transport are developed with the exception of river and pipeline. In

Слайд 16Thanks for watching

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