Презентация, доклад по английскому языку В музыкальной школе

In the musical school the students can play drums, the tuba, the trumpet.

Слайд 1In the music school

In the music school

Слайд 2In the musical school the students can play drums, the tuba,

the trumpet.
In the musical school the students can play drums, the tuba, the trumpet.

Слайд 3Bob can play the tuba well.

Bob can play the tuba well.

Слайд 4Charlie can play the drums well.

Charlie can play the drums well.

Слайд 5Bill can play the violin.

Bill can play the violin.

Слайд 6Frank can play the guitar.

Frank  can play the guitar.

Слайд 7Sam can play the guitar and sing.

Sam can play the guitar and sing.

Слайд 8Harry can play the piano.

Harry can play the piano.

Слайд 9Ellis can sing well.

Ellis can sing well.

Слайд 10Wilson can play the flute.

Wilson can play the flute.

Слайд 11Some boys play in a band.

Some boys play in a band.

Слайд 12A waiter is in the school at night.

A waiter is in the school at night.

Слайд 13He see in a room strange things.

He see in a room strange things.

Слайд 14Somebody plays the piano.

Somebody plays the piano.

Слайд 15The students are not in the room.

The students are not in the room.

Слайд 16The ghost play the piano and dance.

The ghost play the piano and dance.

Слайд 17The waiter is afraid and run away.

The waiter is afraid and run away.

Слайд 19Author:

Ignatova Nadezhda Jurjevna

Republic Komi
Ust-Kulomskij rajon
s.Ust- Nem
R.G.Karmanov- school

Author: Ignatova Nadezhda JurjevnaRepublic KomiUst-Kulomskij rajons.Ust- NemTimusheva,19R.G.Karmanov- school

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